M. Yater Tant, Editor Lufkin, Texas
Dear Brother Tant:
I observe an item in the "Gospel Guardian Overflow" of this week which I think calls for some comment. Your statement in regard to a previous item appearing in Brother Sterl Watson's church bulletin has done us hurt.
It is true that the West End Church is assisting a young preacher student here. That young man was selected by us and we corresponded with the St. Louis brethren relative to him before they began these contributions. Every donation received from them will be credited to this student. (His name can be given if necessary.) The contribution goes directly to the student and not to our general fund.
As I stated publicly here during our lectures we do not solicit funds from church treasuries. We have in a very few instances received voluntary contributions from churches but in no instance do we solicit from them. We do believe that churches have the right to contribute to any good work of their choosing and we believe that educating boys and girls while saving their faith constitutes a good work. For that reason we are willing to accept any contribution that they may send. This does not mean, however, that we believe that the school should be fastened upon the churches and we do not intend to do so.
We have received one or two criticisms as a result of your comment. Of course we are having to make explanation to them. Wouldn't it be better if you took time to write us about such matters before putting them in print? By this means you could have all the facts, so that you would not leave wrong impressions. I think it would help toward the peace and progress of the cause that we love, and I believe that I know that it is the proper Christian approach toward such matters.
Fraternally yours, H. A. Dixon, President
(Editor's note: The item referred to by Brother Dixon was the following quotation:
Church contributions
"For this year, we promised to send $300.00 to Freed-Hardeman College. They have several young men who will not be able to continue without help . . .. Beginning March 1 we want to send $100.00 each month for the next three months." (Quotations from bulletin published by the West End Church of Christ, St. Louis, Missouri.)
Our apologies to Brother Dixon. We simply lifted an exact quotation from Brother Sterl Watson's bulletin, assuming that Brother Watson was telling the truth in the matter. West End's contribution is NOT a contribution to Freed-Hardeman College, but to a gospel preacher.)
Indianapolis, Indiana April 16, 1957 Mr. Yater Tant
Lufkin, Texas Dear Brother Tant:
I read with interest what you had to say about "Cancelled meetings" in the "Overflow" of April 18.
Speaking of meetings being cancelled you said "We hate to see it. We would much prefer to see brethren on both sides show restraint, good-will, and a willingness to study and discuss the issues. Surely there is some better way to solve our problems than an abrupt termination of association!"
Brother Tant, did you or did you not have anything to do with Brother Guy N. Woods' meeting being cancelled at Haldeman Avenue in Louisville? I should like to have an unequivocal yes or no in answer to that, if you will favor me. If you act your usual self and do not answer this letter, I shall take it that you say you did.
Faithfully, W. L. Totty
(Editor's note: Brother Guy Woods' meetings are being cancelled in many, many places; no less than half a dozen have come to our attention this year. "We hate to see it happen. We would much prefer to see brethren on both sides show restraint, good-will, and a willingness to study and discuss the issues. Surely there is some better way to solve our problems than an abrupt termination of association!" If anybody shares the above brother's suspicion's that our advice to elders of various congregations is not in harmony with that sentiment, we suggest you write the elders of Haldeman Avenue Church, Louisville, Kentucky. And when you do that, if you are still curious, we can give you the names of several other churches who have cancelled meetings with Brother Woods — and who will tell you this writer plead with them NOT to do it.)