The Overflow
Woods and Lanier
Brother Roy Lanier recently published a series of articles in the Firm Foundation showing that the position advocated by Brother Guy N. Woods and the Gospel Advocate was a deadly parallel to the Missionary Society. Commenting on the articles, Brother Woods quotes "one of the best-known and most capable preachers in the brotherhood" as saying: "I have heard perhaps a hundred men express themselves about Brother Roy's articles. All except one man expressed regrets and disappointment that his articles were published." And we are pretty certain that no man regretted their publication more than Guy N. Woods and B. C. Goodpasture!
Note to Brother Hale
Brother Lewis Hale last year wrote a book, "How Churches Can Cooperate," in which he re-published Lanier's articles which had appeared in the Gospel Advocate. Now that Lanier has clarified his position, and has declared that the Gospel Advocate articles were terminated by that paper before his series was complete, does Brother Hale not feel some moral obligation to publish some sort of supplement to his book?
Bound Volume Eight
Volume Eight of the Gospel Guardian will shortly be on its way to the bindery. Scores of brethren collect these bound volumes each year, adding them to their libraries. Pre-publication price is $4.00. Order yours today, enclosing the remittance with the order.
Orphans asked to contribute
The orphan children in Southern Christian Home are being solicited to make contributions to Harding College. Newspaper stories recently showed pictures of the unfortunate children surrendering their pennies and nickels to help the school build a new building. Cleon Lyles of Little Rock is in charge of the Arkansas campaign to raise $200,000.00 for the new "Bible building" on Harding's campus."Congregation of the Church a Christ"
Not long ago we saw a sign before a church building which declared that "A Congregation of The Church of Christ Meets Here." Well, why not go whole hog, and state, "A Congregation of The Church of Christ Church Meets Here"!
Southeastern Christian College
The Kentucky College of the Bible, premillennial school of Winchester, Kentucky, last month changed its name to Southeastern Christian College. The Premillennial brethren are becoming increasingly active, aggressive — and numerous. Faithful Christians must take warning, and not let the battle in this realm "go by default" — as it has come so perilously close to going in the Missionary Society controversy. Only by teaching, faithful, persistent, and specific, can the premillennial threat be stayed from its encroachment among faithful congregations.
Brother Reese's "open letter"
Last week and this we have published a lengthy "open letter" from Brother John F. Reese. He adds nothing new to what has already been said on the subject of "centralized cooperation"; and apparently his only desire is to discredit Yater Tant, supposing perhaps thereby to make unthinking brethren more favorably inclined toward Herald of Truth. Suffice it to say that his "open letter" contains many false charges, and fails as in the past to show one iota of scriptural justification for his cooperative promotion.
Generous beggars
They are real generous — with other people's money! For example: Manhattan Church is begging churches all over the nation to send them $1,000,000.00 — and recently she decided to send $50.00 per month to the work in Italy; Highland Church in Abilene, Texas, begs money from everywhere — and then turns around and sends some of her own funds (or did until recently) to various mission fields; Broadway Church in Lubbock begs piteously for funds to operate her Children's Home — and then sends donations to Boles Home; Tipton Home; Sunny Glen, and maybe others. She begs money for her German work — and sends her own money to Herald of Truth. Highland Avenue begs money for Herald of Truth — and sends some of her funds to Broadway to support the Children's home. Verily, blessed is he that beggeth; he shall get!
"Correcting a false impression"
"I saw a church bulletin in Dallas the other day stating that Brother W. F. Cawyer is 'correcting the false impression that has been made all over the country that Herald of Truth is Highland's work.' The bulletin went on to say that Brother Cawyer now states emphatically that Herald of Truth is the work of 'all the churches and individuals that contribute to it'."
— Luther Blackmon Editor's comment: Wow.
Barney Brock's "family"
"When a group of brethren associate themselves as is done by those actively engaged in the management and operation of Boles, Tipton, Child-haven, Sunny Glen, Tennessee Orphan Home, and all the other homes for fatherless children and destitute aged people, it is for the sole purpose of restoring THE HOME which formerly existed but was destroyed. The brethren who serve as members of the board are acting in LOCO PARENTIS (in place of parents)." — (Guy N. Woods, G.A., April 11.) "Nevertheless, the child who has been adopted is not recognized as a fatherless child by society, the state, or even the adoptive parents. He is an adopted child, and not a fatherless child." — (Barney Brock, Childhaven News.) Now, that is real confusing. If Childhaven is, as Woods says, the former home restored, and "Daddy Brock" is the father of those children, then these children are NOT "fatherless" — or do you think maybe Guy just slipped a cog, and did not really mean to reflect on Barney's "fatherhood"?
"Churches at work"
Memphis churches are on the march! Bulletins from that city tell of one big church (of Christ, that is) which put on an Easter egg hunt for the kiddies; another organized a softball team for the men and boys; while still another put on a big promotion for the "summer camp" for children and young people.
Some time ago we printed a rather interesting item from the "Market Street Messenger," weekly bulletin of the church in Dyersburg. We credited the item to "Market Street Mess.", and promptly heard from Kenneth Fielder, who was the preacher there then, that the bulletin was NOT what we had called it. Which came to mind the other day when we saw an item in another Tennessee church bulletin credited to "Franklin Road bull." Hm-m-m ?
A semi-Solomon
The learned and scholarly atmosphere some preachers sometimes try to create, impressing people with their vast knowledge, sometimes tempts us to apply to them the vitriolic thumbnail description the British essayist McCauley once gave of his political opponent, Brangham. Wrote McCauley, "I have not Chancellor Brangham's encyclopedic mind. He is indeed a kind of semi-Solomon. He half-knows everything."