The Overflow
Welcome, C. R. Nichol
We are happy this week to welcome Brother C. R. Nichol as a regular contributor to the pages of the Gospel Guardian. He will write a book review column at regular intervals (one or two each month, as he sees fit) and from time to time will contribute other articles of general interest, such as the one on the front page this week. We think the statement that C. R. Nichol has been more widely read than any gospel preacher now living would go unchallenged. His "Pocket Bible Encyclopedia" has gone into every quarter of the globe. We have no idea how many have been printed, but it passed the million mark several years ago. And demand for it seems to increase rather than diminish with the passing of time. Brother Nichol will not only review books published by our own brethren, but will give the readers of this journal his balanced evaluation of selected books from the greatest publishing houses of the nation. We believe his judgment as to what books are, and are not, worth reading will be a real service to all; and we know our readers will rejoice with us in having his writings on our pages.
Ten year old warning
"Instrumental music was a material fact, seen and heard in the worship. Most of the battle was around it. But the far greater innovation was, and is, organizations in addition to the congregation. The former corrupted the worship while the latter has corrupted the whole organic form of the church itself. Young men, watch for the next apostasy. Don't think it can't happen to 'us" — W. W. Otey, Truth in Love, 1945.
As Porter sees things
"I still think we will not be having many more debates (on current issues). Some preachers would be willing to debate, but it will not be long till they will find no congregation willing to back them in such, as they will soon learn that the more debates we have the more they are going to lose." — W. Curtis Porter.
Excerpt from a letter from Oklahoma: "We were visiting in Nashville the day of the 'big promotion' out at Madison church, and attended there to our sorrow. The talks by Joe Sanders and A. C. Pullias would have been passably good for a PTA or for a denominational pep rally, but that would be about all. Dr. North had to make the second count to get his three thousand, and then he counted the governor and his son (who were NOT present for the classes), also counted the policemen who were sent out to direct traffic, the truck drivers who delivered the food, and the bus drivers who drove the buses — and who did NOT attend the classes. I am afraid they are pushing God completely out, and turning the church into a three-ring circus."
R. H. Boll
With the death of R. H. Boll in Louisville, Kentucky, a few weeks ago the curtain came down on a career that could have been wonderfully useful in the cause of Christ, but which was tragically misdirected. Boll was a man of great ability; in his early years he was one of the finest gospel preachers in the land. As front-page editor of the Gospel Advocate his influence was far reaching. But his brilliant mind became obsessed with the fascinating speculations of Pastor Russell, and the result was a life wasted and misused, congregations divided, fellowship broken. In spite of repeated and pressing invitations to discuss his teachings publicly with some representative man, Boll never consented to do so, except for the written Boll-Boles discussion. Like all teachers of error he quickly realized that public debating could do his cause no good, but would only lose him followers. So he ended his course.
Majority rule
The pot continues to boil in Lubbock. Only a few weeks ago one of the congregations there forced the "resignation" of some of the elders in a hooting, booing, hissing, foot-stamping "business meeting" presided over by the preacher. And why? Well, it so happened that these elders were opposed to the policies and projects the preacher was trying to promote (such as Herald of Truth, Lubbock Children's Home, etc.). So out they went! Tape recordings of the disgraceful procedure reveal that the young preacher has accepted and defends the idea of "majority rule" in a congregation. It will be interesting now to see how the other churches in Lubbock consider this latest incident in the rapidly developing battle on the plains.
Orlan Hogue
The accidental death of Orlan Hogue of Huntingdon, Tennessee, on May 10 has been a profound shock to all who knew him. One of the most energetic and successful of gospel preachers, yet humble and unassuming in spirit, his going has left a void in the ranks of faithful workers and an emptiness in the hearts of those who loved him which will not be filled. He died as the result of a fractured skull sustained in an accidental fall in the Huntingdon postoffice where he had gone for his mail. Sister Hogue and three small children will have the deepest sympathy and the heart-felt prayers of a great host who sorrow with them in the loss of this noble servant of Christ.
Change of address
After a three year residence in Lufkin, Texas, the editor and his family are returning to their home in Abilene. Will all correspondents please take note of the new address-717 E. N. 13th Street, Abilene, Texas. Also, we'd like for all who have been sending us church bulletins to the Lufkin address to change to our Abilene address. This change is a change in residence only, not a change in work. We will continue to edit the Gospel Guardian, and to hold meetings as usual. Schedule for the next few weeks is: Decatur, Georgia, June 24 - July 3; Cortez, Colorado, July 8-15; San Diego, California (special services) July 19, 20; Oregon and Washington, July 25 -September 2.
"Grandma got herself one of these new-fangled movie star hair-cuts. Now she doesn't look like an old woman anymore . . . . she looks like an old man."