Floyd Embree, 610 E. LaDeney Dr., Ontario, California, April 24: "In the past four weeks, four have been baptized, a few restored, and a number have been identified here. We look forward to a meeting in July with Brother Franklin Puckett."
Gorin Rutherford, 755 West 10th St., Loveland, Colorado, April 24: "Garnie Atkisson of Fort Morgan, Colorado did excellent preaching in an eleven day meeting concluded in Loveland April 13. Two were identified and one confessed wrongs. More, not members of the church, attended this meeting than at any time during the last two and one-half years. We have moved into the unusually nice house which the church has completed for the preacher. Notice the change of address, which is also the mailing address for the church."
Herbert L. Newman, 2022 Vincent St., Brownwood, Texas, April 28: "C. E. McGaughey did the preaching in a recent meeting at the Austin Avenue church. Seventeen were baptized, five restored, and one placed membership. We are expecting good to result from the meeting for many years to come."
Hoyt H. Houchen, 1403 Hicks, San Antonio, Texas, April 24: "I have just concluded my part in a very enjoyable gospel meeting with the Tenth and Francis church in Oklahoma City. There were three baptisms, one restoration, and one identified with the congregation. Raymond C. Kelcy is the capable and highly esteemed evangelist there. At the present time, J. Early Arceneaux of New London, Texas, is doing the preaching in a gospel meeting here at Highland in San Antonio. I am scheduled to do the preaching in a meeting at Baytown, Texas, beginning May 2. You are cordially invited to visit us here at Highland, 1226 Highland Boulevard."
Joe H. Morris, 2707 Ky. Ave., Paducah, Kentucky, April 18: "We closed a good meeting with the Kingwood Heights church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee last night. Attendance was good and interest great. Seven were baptized. Brother A. R. Hill is local evangelist and doing a fine work there. Clayton Briley did his usual fine work as song director. I begin with Bosley Road church in Owensboro, Kentucky, May 9th. Bob Collier preached here while I was away. The work at Clements Street progresses. John T. Smithson, Jr., begins our meeting June 5th. W. T. Winn will direct the singing."
M. A. Mansur, 1405 Richardson, Columbia, Missouri, April 27: "The work with the Paris Road Church of Christ continues in a fine way. Sunday evening marked the close of a fine Gospel Meeting conducted by Brother Riley Henry, evangelist from Mangum. Oklahoma. Brother Henry presented the Truth most effectively. One precious soul called at our home a couple of hours after the meeting had closed, and after she had confessed her faith in Christ we had the pleasure of baptizing her into Christ the same hour of the night. When in this area we cordially invite you to come worship with us. We solicit the prayers of the faithful that the kingdom of the Lord may grow and prosper."
R. C. Copeland, Jr., Box 146, Tahlequah. Oklahoma, April 26:. "Three restored and one baptized here last Sunday. I have time for one more meeting."