The Overflow
Sidelights From Lufkin
Many were heard to remark that the Lufkin debate was the most thoroughly "Christian" of any discussion they had ever listened to. As far as this writer is concerned, his respect for E. R. Harper as a Christian gentleman, and his esteem for him as a brother in Christ were increased rather than diminished by the four days in Lufkin. He maintained a dignity, a gracious spirit throughout, and the kind of attitude which should make it a delight to any Christian to participate with him in such an earnest and sincere study of God's word. We believe all of us who were present (nearly four hundred preachers were there) were brought closer together and closer to God by the experience. We thank God for such; and pray that the Abilene discussion may serve to remove completely all barriers that have grown up. It seems entirely possible now that that very thing may happen.
New Bern, North Carolina
On this page a few months ago we had an appeal for help for the work in New Bern, North Carolina. All will be glad to know that the appeal was successful. Sufficient support has been raised, and Brother Walter will be making regular reports of the work there to the churches which are contributing to him.
It Comes As A Surprise
We see now where the gentle Norvel Young, whom we have loved for many years, joins the ranks of those who seek to stigmatize their brethren with the epithet of "Sommerism." In a recent Gospel Advocate article he declares one of the great dangers facing the church today is that of "revived Sommer-ism." We did not think he would ever stoop to such.
Help From Birmingham
In the Lufkin debate there were five or six faithful gospel preachers who drove all the way to Lufkin for the discussion — Marshall Patton, E H. Vines, Ervin Driskill, J. R. Ezell, Farris Smith, and perhaps another one or two. Brother Jack Meyer and his son sent a telegram of moral support and encouragement to Brother Harper to represent the other side of the question.
The Works Were Missing
Brother Al C. Blevins of Dallas sends us this one: Hurrying to catch a train, a man encountered his preacher leisurely strolling along towards the station. "Aren't you taking the 5:11 to Chicago?" the speeding one called. "Plenty of time, plenty of time," counseled the minister. He pulled out his watch. "See? — we have twenty minutes."
The two then strolled leisurely on, and arrived at the station just in time to see the train disappearing in the distance toward Chicago. The minister sadly shook his head. "I had the greatest faith in that watch," he said regretfully. "Yes," replied his neighbor, "you had faith in the watch — but what is faith without works?"
Saving Face
"One of the best ways on earth to save face is to keep the lower half of it shut most of the time." (Quoted from somewhere, not original, but plenty true.)
James 1:27 Committee
We know of a church in Ohio that has worked out an intricate and elaborate system of "committees" to expedite their congregational activities. Among the committees listed in their directory is what they call their "James 1:27 Committee." Hm-m.
The Quarantine?
What happened to the "quarantine" the Gospel Advocate writers were being urged to "spearhead" against some of their brethren in Christ? In the Lufkin debate a rather informal inquiry revealed that of the 350 to 400 preachers present only about 18 or 20 were favorable to Herald of Truth; the other 95 percent would be brethren marked for the "quarantine," that is, men opposing such arrangements. Let us hope the percentages will be reversed in the Abilene debate, and we can have present a thousand or more of the preaching brethren who favor Herald of Truth. Incidentally, Roy Cogdill, chief target of the "quarantiners," tells us he received more invitations for meetings during the Lufkin debate than he has in any similar period in his life.
Man Of Distinction
One of the most interesting revelations in the Lufkin debate was made by Brother R. V. Hamilton of San Saba, Texas. Modestly disclaiming any right to be numbered among the "writin' brethren," Hamilton said his only claim to distinction in that area lay in the fact that he had two cousins who were in that fraternity — James W. Adams of Beaumont, Texas, and B. C. Goodpasture of Nashville, Tennessee.
To The College Boys
Throughout the school term we have sent the Gospel Guardian free of charge to nearly one thousand preacher boys in the various Christian colleges. The administration of the schools (with one exception) has furnished us the names and addresses at the beginning of the fall session, and each week the paper has been sent to that list. Next week will be the last issue to be sent in this school term; but we hope to resume next fall. Meanwhile, if any of the boys want the paper to continue coming to them through the summer months, we will be glad to send it for $1.00.
William Edward McDaniel
Elsewhere in this issue we carry a short obituary of Brother William Edward McDaniel, written by W. E. Coffman. One of the most significant aspects of McDaniel's life does not appear in the brief notice; namely, that with a courage that was simply indomitable he rose above a handicap that few men have ever conquered — a birth injury so severe that it would have left the ordinary individual an invalid for life. McDaniel was far from such. While his life was short, the courage of the man will be a living inspiration to all who ever knew him. He refused to be put on the side-line; he neither asked nor accepted concessions from anybody because of his injury. We knew him and loved him; we honor his memory. Life here will be richer for having known him; life over there will be brightened by the prospect of seeing him again.
Otey-Briney Debate
The Otey-Briney debate is now being mailed out. This valuable reprint of one of the greatest and most significant debates of this century is priced at $3.00. Order from the Gospel Guardian Company.