Ernest A. Finley, 713 W. Fox, Carlsbad, New Mexico, June 29: "Twenty-two responded during the meeting conducted by Brother James Willeford which closed last Sunday night. Eleven were baptized. The Fox and Lake Church just closed its most successful Vacation Bible School with 421 average attendance. Plans are going forward for beginning a new congregation in the northwest part of Carlsbad; $12,600 of a necessary $20,000 has been contributed and pledged by this church in the past five months. This is above our regular contribution which calls for $850 each week to maintain our budget. Fox and Lake is an aggressive and growing church."
Leslie Diestelkamp, 3700 Forest, Brookfield, Illinois: "Two were immersed here July 2, and two more placed membership. Attendance is at an all-time high. I believe there may be five thousand unfaithful members of the church in Chicago and suburbs. If readers know the names of some, please send them to us."
Bill Cavender, Box 65, Nocona, Texas, July 5: "Nine have been baptized and nine restored since my last report. In a recent meeting at Dike, Texas, three were baptized and three restored. We should be able to start a new auditorium here in about three months."
James E. Cooper, Rt. 1, Box 80, Valley Station, Kentucky, June 28: "Six have been baptized here this year, twenty-two have joined themselves to the disciples, and three have been restored. We concluded a gospel meeting on June 17 with W. C. Sawyer of Russellville, Kentucky, preaching. I preached under a tent in French Lick, Indiana May 23 through June 5; four were baptized. This meeting was supported by the four congregations in Orange County, Indiana. One of the four, South Liberty Church, will have a homecoming on July 10, and I will speak there at 3:00 P.M. We have a tent meeting scheduled near here during August, and a meeting with B. G. Hope of Bowling Green, Kentucky in September. I shall preach under the tent at Kosmosdale, about five miles from our church building."
John Bullock, 1900 Turtle Creek Dr., Marshall, Texas, June 30: "Our meeting here at South Washington has just closed with two baptisms. Brother Robert D. Bankes of Kilgore did a good job in presenting the gospel each evening. At the present I am leading the singing for a meeting in Harleton with a different speaker each evening. I shall speak on the last evening. The church at Hallsville, and the E. Burleston St. Church here in Marshall have taken the lead in getting the gospel to this local community."
The S.C.C. Homecoming
Daniel I. Hiler, Box 531, Dilley, Texas The first homecoming of ex-students and ex-teachers of the Sabinal Christian College, which has not been in operation for 38 years, was held at Sabinal, June 17, under the sponsorship of the Texas Normal Singing School. Almost 80 exes attended. Most of them came from points in Texas, but a few came from as far away as Florida and California. Some had not seen each other for 40 years. We enjoyed the occasion so much that we began to plan for another reunion next year.
I am grateful for the help so many gave me in locating exes, but in spite of so much help from so many there were many exes who were not found, so I am asking that everyone who reads this will send me all the addresses he knows.
C. A. Cornelius, Box 12, Fort Deposit, Alabama, July 1: "On June 22 we closed a very successful VBS and Gospel Meeting. This was the first VBS for this congregation, and some thought it was some form of innovation. Their doubts were quickly dispelled after they observed and listened for a while, and then they entered into it so enthusiastically that we daily broke attendance records, except the last day, when we fell short by one, the number for the previous day. Brother W. Douglass Harris of Fort Payne, Alabama did his part in an outstanding manner, and endeared himself to the congregation by his fearless manner in standing for the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. Three restorations and two young ladies baptized into Christ, were the results of our joint efforts. Since the meeting closed, we have had nine confessions of sins and three baptisms, one of which was a lady who had been a Baptist for many years. We are convinced that the Gospel Guardian continues to be the fairest paper in the brotherhood in giving 'both sides of all brotherhood issues'."
Charles Hodge, Box 105, Ennis, Texas, July 4: "After 14 months of work with the Southside Church in Ennis we resigned effective September 1st. Any interested in this work should write the Southside Church at Box 105. Any interested in our services should write the same address.'
R. C. Copeland, P. O. Box 416, Spur, Texas, July 8: "Our work at Spur, Texas, is off to a good start. Near record attendance in Bible classes last Sunday. Contributions are running high also. When traveling this way stop and worship with us. Our services: Bible Study at 9:30 A.M.; Worship at 10:30 to 11:30 AM.; Evening Service on Sundays at 6:00 to 7:00 P.M.; Wednesday Night Services at 8:00 to 9:00. This is one of the friendliest and best churches in Texas. You will enjoy visiting here."
Elmer L'Roy, 625 Lamar Ave., Paris, Texas: "C. E. McGaughey of Oklahoma City closed a meeting at Lamar Avenue Church June 29. There were 15 baptisms and five restorations. The meeting was well attended by the two other congregations in Paris — College Church and West Paris Church. Brother McGaughey did his work well as he always does. Many heard the gospel who, as far as we know, had never attended a service of the church before."
G. A. Maddox, 159 Jackson St., Sulphur Springs, Texas, July 5: "I preached at Cash July 3, and promised to return on the first Sunday of each month. The brethren at Cash seem to have a mind to work, and I appreciate working with such people. Also I preach for the brethren at Turkey Creek on the second and fourth Sundays. There is a fine group of good working people there too. I preach at Brashear the other Sunday, so my time is filled. My book, 'A Study of Revelation,' will be ready for mailing by the time you read this. It sells for one dollar. I would be like to place it in every home. This is one book in which you will not read one quotation except it be from those whose names are in the Bible. Send your order to the above address."