Paul Foutz, 513 Club Oak Drive, Fort Worth 14, Texas, June 20: "In my recent meeting with the North Loop congregation in El Paso 11 were baptized and seven were restored. Foy Kirkpatrick is the regular preacher at this place. Since beginning the work with the Castleberry congregation in Fort Worth on April 1 we have had 47 responses. Twenty four have been baptized and 10 restored. This is a fine church overseen by seven efficient elders. We have a zealous, working congregation which is meeting a budget of almost $900 each Sunday. This month we assumed full-time support of Brother Fay Starr who will leave in a few weeks for New Jersey where he will work with Brother Bill Reeves who also receives complete support from Castleberry."
J. P. Williams - Church of Christ G. E. Griffin - Primitive Baptist
"The scriptures teach, that faith, repentance, and baptism in water are essential to the salvation of the alien sinner." Williams, Affirms; Griffin, Denies.
"The scriptures teach, that a child of God cannot so act as to fall away and finally be lost in hell." Griffin, Affirms; Williams, Denies.
Solon Bailey, Box 364, Frisco, Texas, June 19: "The work here shows every indication of being on the march. More interest is being shown, plus three baptisms in the last few days. One of the ladies baptized had for a number of years been a devoted Catholic. However she was persuaded to give God's word a close investigation and as a result last Wednesday evening, June 15 she was buried with her Lord in baptism. I appreciate the stand which the Gospel Guardian has taken on the church cooperation question."
W. D. Black, Evant, Texas, June 20: "Just closed a good meeting at Round Rock (June 12) with four baptisms and one restoration. Considering weather conditions, the meeting was well attended from the start. It had been well advertised and we had visitors from Austin, Georgetown, Taylor, Leander, Jolleyville, Liberty Hill and other places. Having lived in Round Rock in years past, it was quite a pleasure to me to be associated with old time friends and brethren in the Lord in the work of the Lord. I visited New Braunfels on June 15 and had the pleasure of baptizing Troy Drennan, Jr., wife's grandson."
Guthrie Dean, 523 East Mill, Malvern, Arkansas: "I closed a meeting with the Bethany, Oklahoma congregation June 21. We received splendid cooperation and 18 responded to the invitation. My next meeting is in West Monroe, Louisiana July 6 through 15. The church here in Malvern is making steady progress. There have been 15 responses in the last month and the church here was recently set in order with elders and deacons. Pray for the progress of the Lord's work."
Pryde E. Hinton, Rt. 2, Box 255, Dora, Alabama, June 24: "Brother C. R. Nichol was with us, the Sayre Church of Christ, in a meeting from June 5 through 15. Brother Nichol is truly among 'the young in heart.' His rather advanced age does not hinder his clear, forceful, and pleasing presentation of the gospel. His preaching attracted many from surrounding congregations. There were many from these congregations every evening. We are planning for him to return in 1956, if God wills. Simultaneously, we ran a daily Vacation Bible School, with an average attendance of 94, many of whom were from denominational homes. The Bible school from 9 to 11 a.m. daily complemented the meeting, and the meeting also helped advertise the school."
J. G. Savage, Lewisville, Texas, June 23: "Oscar Ellison, regular preacher for the Southside congregation in Springfield, Missouri, closed a ten day's meeting with the Lewisville church last night. Fine interest and attendance was in evidence throughout as it was necessary to use chairs each night to seat those attending. Brother Ellison's sermons were well chosen, plainly and effectively presented in love, yet without fear or favor. He did not shun to declare, in every sermon, all the counsel of God. Eternity alone can reveal all the good accomplished in the hearts of his hearers. Three were baptized into Christ. This was the fifth series of meetings in which Brother Ellison has been associated with the Lewisville church during the past 15 years; he was at his best during this series. To know him is to love him; to be associated with him is an inspiration and to know his manner of life is to appreciate him. His unwavering public utterances for the faith which was once and for all delivered unto the saints, in spite of threats, in some quarters, to mark or quarantine those who do not agree with nor support, due to their convictions, the large brotherhood projects so popular in so many places today, causes me to say that TRUTH is safe in his hands and so long as he and others of like precious faith shun not to speak out on the issues before us, there will always be churches of Christ pure and true to the New Testament pattern, at least, in some places. Brother Foster Sigler, one of the elders of the local church, conducted the song service in a very commendable way."
Pioneer Gospel Preacher Passes
Bob Copeland, Jr.
Michael Moore Young, well beloved pioneer preacher of the West Texas area, passed on to his reward June 4, 1955, from Spur, Texas. As per Brother Young's request in 1947, the song service at the funeral was under the direction of Brother Dalton Johnston, elder of the Spur church, whom Brother Young baptized in August, 1914. Brother Young preached the first gospel sermon in Spur, Texas, in 1910. Once at the community of Red Mud Brother Young was paid only $1.00 by a sectarian cowboy who did not want him to leave the meeting broke.
All of Brother Young's children, six sons, are members of the Church of Christ. Three of his sons have served as elders in the church in localities where they live.
Brother Ed Bryant of Abernathy, Texas, officiated. He was assisted by Brother E. R. Harper of Abilene, Texas, and this writer. Interment was in the Spur cemetery.
Brother Young was a builder and trainer. His 85 years were well spent in living for the world to come. He was the young preacher's friend. His influence will live on in the lives of many to whom he taught the truth. Another great soldier of the cross has passed on. May we all take courage and so live as to meet where death will not mar the beauty of that eternal city.
W. E. McNeely, Box 431, McFarland, California, July 5: "During the first half of 1955 there were ten baptized, three restored, and eight to transfer membership here. We hope soon to begin construction of a new auditorium. The meeting house is located at 400 Harlow Avenue."
Ward Hogland, 1900 Jenny Lind, Fort Smith, Arkansas: "The church here just purchased a much needed parking area next to the meeting house. One was restored here last Sunday. The work here at Park Hill continues to be encouraging. I just closed a meeting at Stuart, Oklahoma. My next meeting will be with the church in Blytheville, Arkansas."
Willis G. Jernigan, Box 573, Bowie, Texas, June 27: "One baptism and two restorations here this week. The young woman baptized came from the Baptist denomination and was ordered to leave home by her parents upon her obedience to the gospel of Christ."
W. Earl Mansur, Box 358, Ringling, Oklahoma, June 30: "We are in the midst of a promising meeting with the good church at Velma, Oklahoma. After July 10 our address will be 19551 Welby Way, Reseda, California."