W. F. Showers, Box 104, Pleasanton, Texas, April 17: "Cloyd Royal of Pleasanton, Texas, is very desirous to devote full time to preaching the gospel. Brother Royal is 31 years of age, married and has two children, ages seven and three. He has completed work at Abilene Christian College and has some three and a half years preaching experience. For references any one interested in securing his services may write to the elders of the Pleasanton church of Christ in care of Walter Pursch or its minister, W. F. Showers. Other preachers who know him well who have labored in Pleasanton are R. H. Echols of the Sunny Glen Orphan Home at San Benito, Texas; Robert Hamilton of Smithville, Texas, and Robert Welch of 2230 Kaelin Ave., Louisville, Kentucky."
Tillman B. Pope, Box 217, Alma, Arkansas, April 9: "I am in a fine meeting at Booker, Texas. I shall close April 20th. I now have time for one meeting in May. Write me at once if you should want me."
M. C. Cuthbertson, 1220 Elden Ave., Los Angeles, Cal., April 21: "Two have been added by membership the last two Sundays. I assisted recently in a special meeting at Santa Rosa, Cal., speaking three evenings on the organization of the church and work of elders. A number of other preachers had part in the meeting. Brother D. C. Marshall is the regular preacher and a fine young man doing a good work. They are soon to select elders there. General attitude in that section is toward sound gospel preaching. I begin with Fairview and Birch, Santa Ana, April 27. Brother Floyd Thompson is the fine man there. Brother Herman Campbell will preach in my place at Central. Am to be in Marshall, Texas, June 22 with South Washington Street church. Brother Love is the regular preacher."
T. J. Ruble, 4730 McKinney Ave., Houston, Texas, April 24: "R. L. Box of Port Arthur did the preaching in the recent gospel meeting here. There were 17 responses, nine of them baptisms. I did the preaching in recent meetings at St. Joseph, La., and Robstown, Texas. No responses at St. Joseph and two baptisms at Robstown. Brother T. B. Underwood, Jr. is doing a fine work at Robstown. When in Houston visit with us at the Milby Street church. Send us the names of any friends or relatives that you would like for us to visit."
Dean Bullock, 312 N. Waldrip St., Grand Saline, Texas, April 21: "My work here continues to be enjoyable. Three have been baptized and four have confessed unfaithfulness since April 1. We expect to be in our new building by early July." 0- Vaughn D. Shofner, 1320 East Allen, Fort Worth, Texas, April 22: "I enjoyed working in a meeting with Ralph Starling and the church at Stephenville, Texas, April 13 through 20. There were five baptisms and one restoration. Highland Park work here in Fort Worth is showing some improvement. Brother. Claude Guild will be with us in a meeting April 27 through May 4."
Floyd Horton, 840 N. Miranda, Las Cruces, New Mexico, April 24: "Three have been baptized in recent weeks here in Las Cruces, N. M. Brother Mack Kercheville, who works part time among the Spanish speaking people of this town, recently baptized a splendid couple. Brother Homer Haley of the Florida Christian College will be with us in a meeting June 24 to July 6. The church building in Las Cruces is just one block from three U. S. Highways-80, 85, and 70. When passing this way stop by and worship with us."
Rufus R. Clifford, Box 282, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, April 25: "Four were baptized and two restored in the meeting at Ashland City, Tenn. Lee Gunter is the faithful preacher there. 0- Rufus R. Clifford, Box 282, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, April 25: "Four were baptized and two restored in the meeting at Ashland City, Tenn. Lee Gunter is the faithful preacher there. Robert Buting of Camden, S. C., and W. C. Hall of Freed-Hardeman College, Henderson, Tenn., preached here during my absence. I will begin at the Highland church, Columbia, Tenn., May 4. Our attendance here continues to increase. One was baptized this week."
Special Bible Study And Training
Program Proves Successful
Doyle F. Earwood, 905 Seabury Ave., Terre Haute, Indiana: "The two white congregations of Terre Haute, Ind., located at 6th and McKeen Sts., and 14th St. and 5th Ave., recently closed a successful Bible Study and Training Program. This six months systematic Bible course began in October and closed the first of April. We started with Genesis and closed with Second Chronicles. We also studied several books of prophecy in connection with the books that we covered. This course which was conducted on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for two hours each evening proved so successful that the elders of both congregations will continue this Bible study and training program for six months again this fall and will finish the Old Testament along with the New Testament. We had an average of 71 in attendance for the six months period in spite of a severe winter here along with a flue epidemic, etc. Many people drove an average of 120 miles a week to attend and several denominational people attended and we believe some of these will obey the gospel. The first three months study was conducted at the Southside congregation and the last three months at the Northside congregation. The classes were taught by M. F. Cottrell, Willis Driskill, and Doyle F. Earwood."
Eldred Stevens, Stillwater, Oklahoma: "The debate between Dr. Eric Beevers, Roman Catholic priest, and me is still scheduled for May 13 through 16 here in Stillwater. We would like for you to use your paper to encourage all churches within reasonable driving distance of Stillwater to assume the responsibility of placing ads in their local papers stating that the Catholic priest has challenged me for the debate and giving time, place, etc. Of course, there is little to be gained in the debate if there are no Catholics here, and I have reason to believe that the Catholic priest has decided to give little or no publicity among his people to the meeting. However if they know about it, they will come. We're calling on all churches in this area to see that they know about it."
Harry E. Johnson, Hamilton, Texas, April 17: "The Goldsmith meeting began on April 4th and closed last Sunday night at the water side. It was a very pleasant meeting in which the whole congregation seemed to have a part. The members were busy every day inviting their neighbors to attend. The work of preparing for the meeting had been well done and everything was ready. The Lord blessed our feeble efforts abundantly; there were four people baptized, two couples; three restorations, and three people acknowledged faults. The two women baptized had been Baptists, but they were willing to be taught the way of the Lord more perfectly. To God be all the praise, glory, and honor for the power of His word. Brother Andy Moore, the local evangelist, and his wife are well thought of by the congregation. It was a real pleasure to work with them and to observe their zeal. The good will that is manifested between the elders and the members was good to behold; may God ever bless them in their efforts to spread the gospel of Christ. There were visitors from the local community at every service, and on three occasions chairs had to be placed in the aisles. We also had a number of visitors to attend from Odessa, Wink, Andrews, Kermit, and maybe others. We were very much encouraged by these visitors."
Wright Randolph, 366 Marshall, San Bernardino, California: "The following series of Gospel Meetings will be held here May 5 through May 9th — 7:30 each evening:
MONDAY: Thomas Allen Robertson of Ontario
"Divine Patten of Apostasy"
Open discussion will follow speech TUESDAY: Harry Pickup, Jr. of Phoenix
"Truth or Tradition"
Open discussion will follow speech WEDNESDAY: Earl Mansur of Montebello
"Mark Them Which Cause Division"
Open discussion will follow speech THURSDAY: Floyd Thompson of Santa Ana
"The Church of the First Century"
M. C. Cuthbertson of Los Angeles "The Church of Today"
FRIDAY: Motron T. Utley of Oakland "Worship In Spirit"
C. C. Doggett, Spring City, Tenn., April 24: "Two were baptized and one restored during our spring meeting which began April 6 and closed April 20. Brother Howard Blazer, Crossville, Tenn., did fine preaching during this series. Three were baptized a short time previously. I am available for preaching in two or three meetings during the summer months."
C. J. Kirkpatrick, 714 Savanah Ave., Pittsburgh 21, Pa., April 1: "The congregation in Pittsburgh, Pa., known as the Oakland Church of Christ has been meeting in rented properties in the Oakland section of the city since 1983. Its members have started two new congregations that now have buildings mortgage free. On April 20 the Oakland church plans to move into a new building at Fifth Avenue and Beechwood Boulevard in the Point Breeze section. The Oakland designation will be gradually discontinued. This congregation has supplied a place of worship for hundreds of transient Christians. The new location is about two miles farther east, but it is a very prominent corner opposite the entrance to Mellon Park. It should be easy to locate. The new auditorium will seat 325, and the completed building will cost around $80,000.00 in addition to much skilled and unskilled labor and some materials contributed by members. Other congregations will have supplied about $15,000.00 and there will be an indebtedness of approximately $40,000.00. We have already seen some growth and interest which can be attributed to the new building."
Hogland-Yandell Debate
George B. Curtis, Poteau, Oklahoma: "I moderated for brother Ward Hogland in debate with the veteran debater J. W. Yandell of the Free Will Baptists April 6-9 at Tuttle, Oklahoma. Tuttle is Ward's old home and he was called back among those who knew him best to defend the truth against one of the most wiley of all debaters. They were not disappointed in the work that he did. This was the second debate in which I had moderated for brother Hogland, the first at Fort Smith with J. W. Kesner. Though a young man Hogland is a master when it comes to the defending of the truth of the gospel, earnest, able, sincere and forceful his arguments carry conviction to all honest hearers. Though an old man, Yandell has lost none of his trickery and unfairness in the field of polemics. Truth is of no consequence with him and every ruse to becloud the issue and to uphold his doctrines is used. Brother Hogland unveiled his tactics in a way discernable to all and presented truth that all could understand. Truth mightily prevailed. The establishment of the kingdom and the plan of salvation were discussed. You need not be afraid to call on Ward Hogland if you need an able defender of the church in any phase of the subject."