The Overflow
Bookkeeper's Error
Letters from brother H.A. Dixon of Freed-Hardeman College and brother Barney Brock of Childhaven inform us that the contribution of $25.00 which Childhaven reported as having received from Free-Hardeman College was actually a personal contribution from brother Dixon, and was listed as a donation from the college through a bookkeeper's error. Brother Dixon says, "Freed-Hardeman College has made no contribution to Childhaven and is not in position to make a contribution to anyone. Our storm losses are heavy, and we are soliciting help, rather than offering help to others."
Pews On Pivots
"It is suggested by a Pennsylvania paper that church pews be placed on pivots, so that the occupants may not be obliged to strain their necks every time somebody comes into church."
— Lard's Quarterly
Methodist Headache
The Methodist Church was to have convened its quadrennial General Conference in San Francisco late last month. On the agenda for debate and decision, among other questions, were these two: (1) Shall women be given "full ministerial privileges" with the right not only to be pastors (which they already have to a limited extent), but also to become Bishops? and (2) shall the no smoking pledge be dropped from the requirements of ministerial candidates? No doubt the pious gentlemen of the General Conference realize that they'd run into serious trouble if they tried to enforce a "no smoking" pledge on their lady preachers — that is if the Methodist ladies love their "weed" like some of the sisters in the church do.
Et To, Ike!
General Eisenhower is quoted in press dispatches as being opposed to federal ownership of tidelands oil property because it is "...calculated to bring about steady progress toward centralized ownership and control, a trend which I have bitterly opposed." Even Ike talks about "trends and "centralized control." Watch your language, General; and don't forget this is an election year!
Brother, are you worried because your hair is falling out? Think how much worse it would be if it ached and had to be pulled.
Baptismal Bowl?
Does the church of Christ in your community have a "baptismal bowl"? If not, we know where you can get a lovely one for only $14.00. It is silver-plated, four inches deep and six inches in diameter. This beautiful and attractive piece of church furniture is advertised for sale by one of our well-known gospel journals — NOT the Gospel Guardian.
"Calling my wife on the telephone Is a task which makes me dizzy;
When the wire is clear, she isn't at home, And when she is, it's busy."
— Anon.
On Prayer
There are those who constantly look outward for the dangers they can avoid; and others who constantly look upward for the help that comes from God. Christians do both; for Christ said, "Watch, and pray."
Christian Faculty Members?
The Pepperdine Catalog tells us that the founder of this school "in establishing George Pepperdine College, was vitally interested in the welfare of man. He and the Board of Trustees are members of the Church of Christ. It is the policy of the college to select the faculty from the members of this institution." (Catalog, 1947-48, page 7) That's a good policy — why isn't it followed?
Playing "Shut-Mouth"
"When a preacher plays shut-mouth with his brethren on important issues, he is usually wide open with the sects. Let's face facts, meet issues, exalt truth. Souls are perishing for lack of this."
— Joe H. Morris
Five Words Too Long
H. Osby Weaver in this issue makes a few comments on an article by brother Jimmie Lovell. Brother Weaver says, "When brother Jimmie wrote the article I am sure that he was never conscious that he had contradicted himself." And then there will be others who will think brother Osby could have left off the last five words of that sentence.
Clock In Pulpit Stand
We've just completed a splendid meeting with the Central Church in Amarillo, Texas. They have something we've not seen elsewhere — a big clock in the pulpit stand, visible to the preacher, but not visible to anybody else. No doubt that helps the preacher to preach "timely" sermons...but what happens when he wants to preach on some "timeless truth"?
Not That Curious
Then there was the little fellow who asked his father a question; the father said, "Go ask your mother." And the boy replied, "I don't want to know that much about it."
Cure For Old Age
We are indebted to Jack Hardcastle of Lubbock, Texas, for showing us that delightful paragraph in Clark's Commentary (comment on Ruth 4:16) in which Adam Clark gives his "cure for old age." In solemn and pontifical gravity he advances the silly old superstition that "the aged gain refreshment by sleeping with the young, and by the same means the young derive premature decrepitude." Uh huh. And the earth is flat; also hairs from a horse's tail will turn into snakes if you put them in a barrel of rainwater.
Good Preacher
He was telling the audience about a fine young gospel preacher in Oklahoma. Said he, "And I'm telling you, folks, this boy has one of the most wonderfullest deliverances your years ever listened to!" Congratulations, George; we'd like to hear you preach some time.
Scuttlebutt Preachers
Then there are a few "scuttlebutt" preachers — brethren who scuttle from one place to another every few months, and scuttle about all over town when they are there, — "but" seldom seem to accomplish very much in any place.