Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
On or about October 12, 1969, I will terminate four pleasant years of labor with the good brethren at Second and "B" Streets in Brawley California. It is always a pleasure to be associated with those who faithfully support sound gospel preaching. My family and I always find it difficult to make the decision to move from among those with whom we have labored and love in the Lord. But the decision to move was my own for personal reasons.
Anyone interested in the work should address correspondence to: Church of Christ, Second and "B" Street, Brawley, California 92227 The church has a commodious building and a three bedroom minister's home free of debt. They will adequately support a sound gospel preacher. Claude C. Truex, 176 "B" Street, Brawley, Calif. 922277
MIKE T. ROGACS, P.O. Box 264, Lilbourn, Missouri, 63962: It has been my good fortune these past 15 months to work with the good saints of Lilbourn, Missouri. We have a hard time teaching the doctrine of Christ to the people of this area who are quite familiar with the compromising ways of our institutional brethren in several congregations nearby. In spite of this hindrance we are sowing the seed. Since January we have had three restorations and one baptism (a former Catholic). Attendance is up along with the Lord's Day contribution and the interest of the saints is much better. We ask that you remember us in your prayers and God be with you all.
DENTON, TEXAS — The Willow Wood church of Christ has in the past. 2 years had an increase in growth to where it has doubled itself while. Fred Chance was working with the congregation.
On August 3, 1969 the congregation moved into a building that it bought. The name of the church has been changed to the EAST SIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST. Also on this date Jesse G. Jenkins has taken on the work as the full time preacher. We would like to invite those of you that might be going to North Texas, or the Texas Women University to come and worship with us. The location of the building is 2109 Shawnee St. Denton, Texas. We continue to ask for the prayers of the brethren.
JERRE F. BASSETT: The last week in July, I concluded work with the very fine church in Cottage Grove, Oregon and moved to begin work with the new church just recently started in Bend, Oregon. Ben Puterbaugh is to move to Cottage Grove and should be there by the time this report appears.
The bulk of my outside support will be provided by Cottage Grove and Antioch, California. For the first six months San Pablo, California will also send help. I am deeply grateful for the interest and generosity of these good churches.
The brethren in Bend are meeting on Sundays in an attractive hall owned by the Sons of Norway located at the convergence of Harmon and Columbia Streets turning south off of tourist scenic route Century Drive. My address is 305 Lee Lane, Bend, Oregon 97701. Phone 503-382-0892.
The Doug Bauer Story
Called by brother James R. Cope, "One of the most pathetic and touching situations I have ever known."
This is the story of a man, partially, deserted by American churches. Since 1967, his support has gradually been cut off. Largely, his desperate appeals for help were ignored. Today, brother Bauer is in a mental hospital (called, Nervous Disorder Hospital). This once faithful useful proclaimer of truth (in Rhodesia) must sit in idleness waiting for a restoration of his health.
Being a supporter of brother Bauer, we have read his monthly reports with concern and alarm as we watched his supporter drop him and the "in the red" column rise (presently $2485.00). Recently, he moved from the city with modern conveniences to the country into a house having no electricity or modern facilities. Why? to save money, to make ends meet. Would our love for the Lord's cause be this great?
Brethren, we have let down a faithful laborer, a native gospel preacher, a brother willing to assume the work load of brother O. Fred Liggins, Jr., when he returned to America. Brother Bauer has accomplished much with limited funds, his regular monthly reports commend his activities.
Brethren, please consider his needs. While we at home, enjoy the comforts of life, this brother lives in want. While our minds are as ease, his is in mental anguish; concern with his family's needs, concern for the cause of Christ, he faces mounting debts and sees his influence for good waning because he cannot pay his creditors, plus no doubt, the realization that his American brethren are "letting him down." Brethren, this is a serious indictment, but I fear that our lack of concern, love and compassion, which ignores his appeals for help, helped put him in the hospital.
Who has manifest the true spirit of Christ — us or him? Even from the small monthly support received, almost half of this was used for a work fund. Such love for the cause of Christ, such loyalty, such sacrifice. Are we doing as much where we live?
The supplying of his needs is a serious matter in the eyes of others. Brother Bauer is "our epistle" in Rhodesia. He is a converted native Rhodesian. Will his countrymen believe our love for the lost is genuine? Will his creditors believe our concern for this needs is real? Being our epistle and example of support...what does his story tell the nation of Rhodesia?
Brother Bauer became the "Macedonian Call." Our refusal to meet his needs can have serious effect upon preachers interested in going into needy fields. Can they trust us to supply their support? Will God hold us guiltless? Already, the cry, "Come over and help us" is falling on deaf ears. Who can blame the proclaimer when senders will forsake good men in difficult fields of labor because the air-conditioner went out at home. Probably, few preachers in foreign fields enjoy such luxuries until they return to the USA, "The land of sacrifice."
No doubt, our liberal brethren will cite this case to "prove" their system works best. The sponsoring church claims to guarantee support for the man in the field. Some money-minded missionaries, having more zeal than knowledge, probably, will buy this. But the guarantee of an unscriptural arrangement does not commend it's scripturalness. God's way and answer to supporting laborers is LOVE AND CONCERN. Love for the laborer, respect for this work and concern for the lost. This will supply the support.
We have Bible example of the great commission being carried out. The Apostle Paul carried the message but others furnished the support. (II Cor. 11:8; Phil. 4:14-18) This same scriptural arrangement works today. We may have a problem in getting the need before those having the ability (and sometimes willingness) to supply this need. Since a central missionary board is unscriptural, it necessitates every Christian and every congregation being alerted to the needs of men in the field. When a need arises everyone should determine to send help BUT not wait for others to do it. (See Acts 11:27-30; II Cor. 8:11-15) Generally, brethren do a commendable job in supplying the needs in the field. Some could use more help. Occasionally, we fall short. Brother Bauer's needs is that occasion.
Brethren, may we read and remember the Doug Bauer Story. May it ever remind us of a continual need for soul-searching regarding the support of the gospel. May we learn a lesson from this story. May his illness not have been in vain. May it touch the hearts of every Christian through-out the nation. Being ashamed of our neglect, let us determine NEVER to let another brother down again. May we "tune" our hearts to their appeals and needs. We rally to arms when we hear the cry, "Remember the Alamo." As Christians, may we rally to their support when we hear the cry, "Remember the Doug Bauer Story."
For further information write Paul Branch, 1613 5th Street, Palmetto, Florida 33561. This report by Paul Branch.
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, And Kentucky
Report by George Eldridge OBEYED THE GOSPEL: Indiana, Hammond at 6532 Arizona Ave. 1 baptized and a family placed membership. Kokomo - Aude McKee's meeting - one sister restored. Pekin - Audie McKee's meeting one sister restored. West Baden Springs four baptized during meeting. Ohio Columbus at 3361 W. Broad - one baptized and three restored and identified. Dayton at 300 Haynes St. - 3 restored. Hamilton at 1040 Azel Ave. -- Only July 27, one restored and one baptized. Mansfield - Lewis Willis' meeting - four baptized. Newark at 28th and W. Main - three week meeting (July 7 - 27) with C. D. Plum, Ellis Webb, and George T. Eldridge - two baptized and one restored. A family is now united in religion. Tallmadge at 737 Southeast Ave. - two identified and 4 restored. On August 3, four confessed unfaithfulness in attendance and were identified. Youngstown at 570 Sherwood Ave. - On July 22, a 81 year old man was baptized. Kentucky, Louisville...At 1916 Rockford Lane (Shively) -- one baptized and two identified. At 4001 Taylor Blvd. (South End) one placed membership. Murray at Doran Rd. and Holiday Drive - Mon. night, July 21, one baptized. On Aug. 3, three saints were identified. On Aug. 10, one placed membership. Owensboro at 2920 New Hartford Rd. - three saints placed membership. Valley at 11408 Dixie Hwy. -- one baptized and one restored.
GOSPEL MEETINGS: Indiana, Aude McKee of Murray, Kentucky has held meetings in Pekin and Koko (Courtland Ave.) Bob Nealy has just recently moved to Kokomo. John Ledgerwood is the preacher in Pekin. The Pekin Church has about 150 in attendance. Indianapolis at 8220 W. 82nd St. (Traders Point -Rd. 100 at 82nd St.) Aude McKee on August 18-24. Kentucky, Louisville at the Douglas Hill Church (temporarily meeting at The Mall) - on Aug. 10-17, Homer Hailey preacher.
MOVING PREACHERS: John Clark moved to the Expressway Church, 4437 S. Sixth St., Louisville, Ky. James P. Needham did preach at the Expressway Church. Larry McKee moves from Williams, Indiana to Stilesville, Indiana. Larry's work in Stilesville started the first Sunday in August. Rodney Miller moved from Texas to Wendell Ave. in Louisville, Ky. W. C. Sawyer moves from Wendell Ave. in Louisville, Ky. to Danville, Ky. Fred Stacey moves on Oct. 1 to Huntingdon, Tennessee from the work at 4667 Cooper Rd. in Blue Ash (Cincinnati area), Ohio.
Meeting Schedule of Aude McKee of Murray, Ky. for the remainder of 1969. Aug. 18-24 with Traders Point near Indianapolis, Indiana. August 25-31 with the church in Stilesville, Indiana.
Condolence is given to James P. Miller of the 12th St. Church in Bowling Green, Kentucky. His mother, sister Mattie Miller, passed away on Saturday morning, July 19, and was laid to rest on Monday afternoon, July 21. Weldon Thomas and Aude McKee spoke at the services held at the church building in Hazel (Murray, Ky. area). May God bless this family in this period of sorrow.
A. C. Grider's meeting schedule for the remainder of 1969. Sept. 8-14, meeting in Evansville, Indiana. Sept. 22-28, meeting in McMinnville, Tennessee. Oct. 6-10, moderate for brother J. T. Smith in the SMITH-HOLT DEBATE in North Hixon (Chattanooga area), Tennessee. Oct. 15-22, meeting in Leitchfield, Kentucky.
Church in Highland, Indiana. John Brewer started preaching there August 7. John is going to help this church until they can get a full-time man. Brother Brewer, his wife, and two children are faithful members of the church at 604 Highland St. in Hammond, Indiana.
Church in Zion, Illinois 60099 (P.O. Box 95) with B. Dale Smelser, evangelist. Members are going to canvass the area and distribute the tract, WE ARE SIMPLY CHRISTIANS WITHOUT BEING MEMBERS OF ANY DENOMINATION.
New Church near Minerva, Ohio. The new work presently meets in the house of Robert Miltes. They hope to start construction of a building in the very near future. Richard Milces and Jim Lovell preach here. On August 24 through August 31, this new church will conduct a meeting at 2848 Fox Avenue in Minerva. There will be a different speaker each night: Sunday - Richard N. Milws, Monday - Austin Mobley, Tuesday - Jerry Parks, Wednesday - Ronald D. Chaffin, Thursday - James C. Lovell, Jr., Friday - Marvin Young, Saturday - Dan Cook, and Sunday - Darrell Cordi.
DEBATE CANCELLED: J. T. Smith, Charles Holt debate scheduled for October, 1969 has been cancelled by Charles Holt. Report next week.
THE SPECIAL ISSUE: "The Special issue of the Guardian just recently published looks good and the articles required much time and effort. I think it will sell now and in the years to come in as much as the subject will always from time to time be raised among the brethren." Earl E. Robertson. Order copies of this special on the "last days" for 25 cents each or $20.00 per hundred.
ON THE DANIEL SOMMER BIOGRAPHY: "The Biography of Daniel Sommer was in my mail this morning, you have done a very good work in the preparation of it. It is a temptation to just forget work and start reading it completely." Vernon D. Sanders, Albany, Oregon. Order from Gospel Guardian. $5.95.
CLASS NOTES ON THE REVELATION OF JOHN by Jimmy Tuten, Jr. This compilation of material can be ordered from Jimmy Tuten at 6316 Pernod Avenue, St. Louis 9, Missouri. It is a 38 page 81/2 by 11 publication selling for $1.00 or 75 cents in lots of 25 or more. It is an outline study of the book of Revelation.
DEBATE: "I have engaged Mr. Dwaine E. Dunning, of Platte Valley Bible College in a written discussion on the following issue: "Resolved: The scriptures teach that to sing and make melody in one's heart accompanied with instrumental music in the worship service of the church is condemned.' I am in the affirmative." Marshall Norman, 125 E. Ross, Belen, New Mexico.
MIKE T. ROGACS, P. O. BOX 264, Lilbourn, Missouri, 63862: "It has been my good fortune these past 15 months to work with the good saints of Lilbourn, Missouri. We have a hard time teaching the doctrine of Christ to the people of this area who are quite familiar with the compromising ways of our institutional brethren in several congregations nearby. In spite of this hinderance we are sowing the seed. Since January we have had three restorations and one baptism (a former Catholic). Attendance is up along with the Lord's Day contribution and the interest of the saints is much better. We ask that you remember us in your prayers and God be with you all." Brother Rogacs adds, "Keep up the good work of the Gospel Guardian. I especially enjoyed the special issue on Bible prophecy. The issue should be good reading for our premillennial friends."
Capsule Sermon I'd Like To Hear
1. Someone explain the difference between the modern dances and indecent, lewd bodily movements.
2. The plans for a church building without back rows so people would sit up front.
3. How many times the Apostle Paul used famous people and denominational gimmicks to draw an audience for his "campaigns."
4. More talk about our many blessing than mini skirts.
5. How many times Christ and the Apostles made joking, lighthearted references about the gospel as they preached.
6. Why people are deathly ashamed of being seen in their underwear when they will go swimming in the same basic dress.