Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 23, 1961
NUMBER 45, PAGE 6,12a

Beyond The Horizons

Wm. E. Wallace, P O Box 407, Poteau, Ok

Catholics Move To Disarm The Opposition

Now that a Roman Catholic sits in the chair of the presidency of the United States of America, the Roman Catholic Church is faced with an excellent opportunity for propaganda. The hierarchy will not let the opportunity go neglected. As Roman Catholicism will be publicized in a most efficient manner in the religious life of the president, Roman Catholic authorities will be using every available approach to lessen the suspicions and weaken the hostility of the opponents of Roman Catholicism.

The first order of business in Roman Catholic propaganda seems to be that of disarming the opposition by adapting non-democratic features of the Roman Catholic religion to our democratic society.

In the "Operation Understanding" edition of Our Sunday Visitor, February 12, 1961, there appears an example of this approach in an article by Francis J. Connell, eminent Roman Catholic authority. Connell assures us that "This election will mean no special favors to Catholics or to the Catholic Church in our land." On Church-State relations he states: "The Catholic Church holds that per se, it is the will of Christ that the Catholic Church which He has founded should be acknowledged by civil governments as the true Church, and that its divinely granted prerogatives should be recognized." He quotes Pope Pius XII: "In principle, that is in theory, the Church cannot approve complete separation of the two powers." Connell then explains that, "The real interpretation is that union of Church and State is desirable only when all the circumstances warrant it."

To further disarm us, Connell states: "I would say that even in the remotely possible supposition that only one non-Catholic citizen remained in our land, and all the rest were Catholics, this solitary individual would have full liberty to profess, practice and (if he wished) propagandize his religious doctrines."

Who can believe it? There is a great competition going on in our country between Catholicism and non-Catholicism. Non-Catholics have enjoyed the ascendency every since our nation was born. In view of the historical background, the modern church-state unions in other countries, and the religio-political structure of the Roman Catholic Church, the circumstances in a predominantly Roman Catholic America would "warrant" a union of Roman Catholic Church and United States government. The hierarchy would disarm us in denying this conclusion and in adapting the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church to this present situation. And, they would re-adapt their teaching to favor the Roman Catholic Church in America if and when their power reaches overwhelming proportions.

The Communists would lull us into laxity and indifference as they use ever economic, military, political and educational weapon to make inroads into our way of life. The Catholics would lull us into a passive tolerance as they use every means to make America Roman Catholic.

A Biblical passage or two seems appropriate here: "Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (Ephesians 6:11) "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8) Remember also Matthew 7:15: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.*

Congregational Care For The Aged

In The Presbyterian Outlook, January 23, 1961, an article by Robert G. Carter points out the changes in society which create a problem with reference to care for the aged. He then shows how that, institutional care for the aged is a sad failure, and often recommends congregational provision for the aged.

First, notice the comments on the "changed situation:"

The three basic institutions of western society are family, church and government. For centuries it has been the accepted responsibility of each succeeding generation of the family to care for its enfeebled aged. Because of basic changes in family structure resulting from industrialization and increased mobility, and because of advances in medical sciences which prolong for months and years debilitating illnesses of the aged which were formerly acute and terminal, the family is finding it increasingly difficult to meet its traditional responsibilities to its aged members.

In criticism of institutions operated by government, Carter lists grievances which are applicable to any public institution set up for the care of the aged.

A facility operated by government is an institution with all that is connoted by this term. Individuality and personal dignity, which are fundamentally important to all men and intensely, so to the disabled aged, are crushed by institutional care. Regardless of this, however, institutional care provided by government will be the fate of many disabled aged of future decades unless an alternate solution can be found.

In recommending congregational provision of the aged, Carter states:

It is important that each sizeable congregation operate its own nursing home for the disabled aged of its church family and that the nursing home be an integral part of the church plant.

I Am Wondering If The Recommendation Of Carter Is What Was Done By The Jerusalem Church? Note Acts 6. Church Related Institutions And Government Aid

Non-Catholic organizations are generally opposed to direct state or federal aid to religious causes. This is a point of encounter between Catholics and Protestants. There appears to be a watering down of the principle underlying the first amendment to the Constitution which states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The Constitution also states that "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."

Traditionally and historically the "government of the people, by the people and for the people" has contended for a "wall of separation" between church and state. But there appears to be a crack developing in the wall.

In an article in The Baptist Standard, February 8, 1961, Dr. Jimmy R. Allen comments as follows:

"A gradual and growing trend toward reinterpreting the constitution to mean that the government should support religion on a non-preferential basis rather than separation of church and state has gained tremendous momentum during decades of negligence.... Confusion concerning the application of the principle of church and state separation in modern life is apparent on every hand."

There are many denominational institutions which perform services for the public. The church operated hospitals and medical research centers are cases in point. The Baptists, in particular, are faced with a problem of consistency. Can they rightfully accept government aid for church medical projects while opposing government aid to parochial schools?

Some Baptists are arguing that "medical research is different enough from the sectarian witness to spiritual truth to allow the acceptance of government grant for it." But in Missouri the Baptist Memorial Hospital was pressured by Baptists to reject a government grant. The hospital refused to yield to the pressure.

The editor of The Baptist Standard points out that "Through loans, grants, and scholarships large sums of government money are now being used in church schools of higher learning." In some states, state revenue is spent to give bus transportation, hot meals, text books, et cetera, to parochial school students.

So the wall of separation between church and state begins to crack. Unless a line is drawn, and it should be drawn outside the doors of religious institutions, the Roman Catholics will eventually break the wall of separation wide open. Although the hierarchy would agree to non-preferential aid to church institutions, the Roman Catholic Church stands to profit from direct government aid more than any other church. This would boost them closer to the ascendency in America.

Dr. Allen observes, "The work of medical research and medical training is worth all the investment, but there is a serious question as to whether this should be the work of organized religion...." We could enlarge on this question and make it cover some other institutional projects expedited by churches.

The denominational church-institution activity is unbiblical to start with. These innovations are not a part of the authorized church function. If the denominations would first learn the lesson of separation of church and institution, they could better fight the battle of separation of church and state.