Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 23, 1961

The Great Divider And Destroyer

Paul Brock, Jacksonville, Florida

Each year, for the past three or four at least, the Gospel Advocate has through its pages made attacks on Florida Christian College and those connected with it. Now, comes a prelude to the great attack on publishers, publishing houses, stores, book agencies, etc., who do not line up with the Advocate hobbies. This prelude was written by Guy N. Woods, the master divider (who doesn't know he has changed) and who cannot be "roped" into another discussion on issues. The open attacks will come later. This is the warm up. Soon the devotees of a new apostasy will be called upon to make the Advocate by proclamation our brotherhood voice. It is such now to many. The Firm Foundation will be ruled out. It's too much in "the middle of the road."

Brother Woods now has presumed to set up a standard for all churches and individuals in their religious purchases. Let's look at it:

"(1) Is the publishing house, book store, or other agency from which purchases are made operated by Christian personnel? (2) Does the institution have a record of loyalty to the truth and are its publications free of all objectionable material and without hints of hobbyism? (3) Does the store, agency or publishing concern oppose the orphan homes, homes for the aged and cooperative evangelistic efforts among us? (4) Will profits from the purchase made with money from the church treasury be used to condemn and, if possible, destroy the things for which the brethren who contributed the money stand? These are questions of no little importance the proper solution of which will mean much to the cause we love." — (Gospel Advocate, 1-5-61)

Now if we accept brother Woods' standard we will have to condemn "old faithful." Surely brother Woods knows the Advocate has handled all kinds of sectarian books through the years, and they don't bat an eye at selling them. But it is alright with Woods, I suppose, to buy materials from Baptist, Methodist, Christian Standard, etc., etc., just so you order them through "old reliable." That takes away the sin. Ah, I don't you buy anything from a publisher who doesn't believe in putting the Church in the hospital and college business or entertainment business — they might say something against these things in their literature.

It's a real shame too — even the Advocate can't sell some of the things brother Woods once said (Abilene Lectures, 1939, Annual Lesson Commentary, 1946, etc.). They can't even sell their own publications to anybody for resale. Better get another standard, brother Woods.

The infallible man who has never changed (but who took three positions in three different debates) has set up his standard for all Christians who want to make a purchase. Take heed, ye who bow before the shrine.

Our brother is right when he uses the expression "the cause we love" instead of the "Cause of Christ." There is a difference. That difference is the cause of all division.