Stuff About Things
We are again indebted to Joe Creasons Kentucky (Louisville, Ky. Courier—Journal) for this sample of pre- World War 1 journalism.
Miss Jennie Jones and Bob Henry were married last night.
The bride is the daughter of Constable Jones, who has made a good officer and will doubtless seek reelection this spring. He offers a fine horse for sale in another column in this issue.
The groom runs a grocery store on Main Street and is a steady patron of our advertising columns. He has a good line of bargains in his ad this week. All summer he paid two cents more for butter than any other store in town.
The young couple was married by the Rev. Josiah Butterworth, who last week called at this office and gave a nice order for printing. He is also going to give some time to the real estate business. So say the business cards we recently printed for him.
Jennie and Bob left on the 10 oclock train for Chicago to visit the brides uncle, who, we understand, has lots of money and an incurable disease.
Which leads us to observe that an editor may write a story from his own point of view. And, sometimes the subject (like the wedding announcement) plays second fiddle to the real subject — selling space in the classified columns.
We suspect that much of our life is affected by dual purpose — usually less obvious, often quite unintentional. A selfish man gives liberally — to gain favor or power. An envious man objects! He says it is unscriptural, but it only seems so to one who is not in the leading role. Small and ignoble men see only base motives in others. (1 Cor. 13:4 -6) And what do you suppose my crafty little mind hopes to gain by this article?
Well, not all editors are ogres, and the power of the press need not be used selfishly. We conclude STUFF with another Joe Creason story re. the editor of a county paper who wrote, This is another of those weeks when we didnt publish nearly all we knew. For which many may be thankful.