Vol.V No.VIII Pg.8
October 1968

Stuff About Things

Robert F. Turner

The song-leader wore the long hair and dress of this hippy generation, and when he announced The Old Rugged Cross he commented, You know Jesus had a thing about the cross.

That turns my stomach, just to tell it; so I can understand why it caused one family to leave a liberal church in the California bay area and cast their lot with a more conservative group. If one must accept That cat Jesus and God, a Living Doll in order to keep in step with the times, then Stop the World, I want to get off.

When putting the gospel in the language of the man-on-the-street — means gross sacrilege, the purpose is defeated. To what end is a gospel that does not lift the hearer to faith in Almighty God and respect for things holy? It is one thing to feel a close, intimate, yet respectful relationship with the Father in Heaven (Matt. 6:6); and quite another to encourage a familiarity that breeds contempt. Deity is not humanity — not even some Super-man. When man ceases to look up to God, humbled in His awe-inspiring presence, man ceases to believe in the true, real God of Heaven. A hippy church, is not of Christ.

On the credit side of our observations, we commend the Southside church, Springfield, Mo., for supporting all day preaching. (Dinner was neither on the ground nor a church banquet but at a public cafeteria at individual expense.)

Twice in previous years I have had part in Intensive Studies here, as four or five preachers were asked to present detailed studies on Authority, Holy Spirit, The Church, etc., in morning, afternoon and night sessions that continued for four or five days. Bro. Harry Pickup, Jr. was largely responsible for these Bible-enriched periods. But this year, on Saturday, Oct. 12, eight preachers presented as many sermons in one day. Four spoke thirty minutes each, in the morning; and four in the afternoon. That night I continued my part of a gospel meeting which had been in progress for the week.

Now for the credit!! The part that really did my heart good was the support given such an effort by the local church members in attendance. Business, golf, and trips were put aside, by men and women, and the day wholly given to spiritual matters.

And Not An Ounce Of Cheap Ballyhoo!