Vol.IV No.III Pg.2
May 1967

Second Class (Mail) Beggars

Robert F. Turner

An Arkansas church of 110 members has decided to spend $40,419. on a "Twin Campaign" in Germany. (90 workers, at a cost of $449.10 each.) Eleven members of the "sponsoring church" will make the trip -- the rest of the workers are to come from "the brotherhood." $6,000. of the needed money will come from the "sponsoring church" -- the rest of the money ($36,419.) must come from "the brotherhood."

A Canadian congregation "of about 75, of which 23 families comprise the larger portion" have decided they need a new stone and concrete building-- estimated cost, $150,000. (Seating capacity, 320 to 400; class-rooms, 14 to 18 depending on size.) If the "sponsoring" church is going to put anything into the new building they fail to say so -- but then the multicolor brochure by which they case the "brotherhood" must have cost a pretty penny. Besides, they will have to tear down their present neat and adequate building to make room for the proposed structure -- and isn't that sacrifice enough?

I have no particular reason for singling out these two examples--they just happened to come in my mail the day I decided to write on this subject. There are hundreds more like them -- in my mail, and in that of the "brotherhood." And if anyone is so "anti" as to ask for scripture for all of this, they get 2 Cor. 8. Many churches sent alms to the needy brethren in Jerusalem. (Acts 24:17) Yet every honest thinker knows the current "sponsoring church" craze does not call for alms, but ANTE. The Herald of Truth, World Radio, Campaigns-Inc., and dozens of other like projects are "brotherhood " (and by this they mean CHURCHHOOD) operations.

Brethren have been drugged or seduced into thinking that "Go-Teach" and "Care" are orders to some great organized, functional universal body; "The Church" -- made up of all local "Churches of Christ." We have not reached the point where terminology will allow us to deny congregational independence; but the restructuring in principle has been in progress for several years.

These "sponsoring" churches are self-appointed headquarters; the media through which the "whole church" operates. And someday, when the many appeals become a problem, a sort of clearing house" will be advocated by which to "coordinate" these "brotherhood" activities. Already the groundwork for this is laid in area-wide planning meetings, Boles Home multiple interests, etc. God's solution is "come out from among them." (2 Cor.6:)