Vol.XX No.III Pg.5
May 1983

Use Your Bible

Dan S. Shipley

"CANNOT SEE, AFAR..." (2 Pet. 1:1-14)


1.The context deals with condition of spiritual myopia (nearsightedness) a. Peter speaks of heart-vision, not eyesight b. Such a heart is only concerned and influenced by the here and now

I. Such Blindness Cannot See Far Behind

A. Forgets what it has escaped (v.4) a. The filth, corruption and defilement of the world (2:20) b. Paul reminds the Ephesians of what they once were (2:1-3) c. Remembering what we were without Christ helps us to appreciate what we have become in Christ

B. Forgets "cleansing from his old sins" (v.9) a. Men need to retain the disposition that prompted their conversion b. Men need to remember the faith that led them to change in repentance c. Men need to remember the beginning of a new life in Christ and how they once confessed Christ as Lord

Ii. Such Blindness Cannot See Far Ahead

A. Avoids facing the reality of death a. Amazingly, one of the few certainties of life is its end (Heb. 9:27), and yet, is often the least prepared for

B. Does not see ahead to the judgment (2 Cor.5:10)

a. Another sure appointment (Acts 17:30) b. Paul implies that knowledge of judgment ought to affect our present manner of life and bring us to repentance (Acts 17:30,31)

C. Does not consider the latter end a. A problem with Israel (Deut. 32:28,29) b. It is foolish for any man to ignore his eternal destiny

Iii. Such Blindness Cannot See Far Within

A. Such is the man who will not examine himself (2 Cor. 13:5) 1.Some have closed their eyes (Matt. 13:15) 2.Others look, but straightway for et what they see (Jas.1:24) 3.Such become like the Laodiceans (Rev.3:17-19)

B. Making our calling and election sure (v.10) requires looking inward 1.When the Prodigal saw himself as he was, he came to himself (Lk. 15) 2.When the Psalmist thought on his ways, he turned to the Lord (Ps. 119:59)


1.Have we forgotten what's in the past and in the future? Look within.