Vol.XIX No.IX Pg.5
November 1982

Use Your Bible

Dan S. Shipley

"HE THAT COMETH TO GOD..." (Heb. 11:6)


1. Mortal man does nothing more important or needful than coming to God. 2. Though often lost sight of, this is the whole point and purpose in religion. a. NOT coming to religion, a church, etc. b. NOT a matter of letting God come to man (as Calvinists teach) 3. Man has volition; can come to God, but is a CONDITIONAL coming...

I. Must Come In Faith

A. Believing "He is" 1. He is AS He is & reveals Himself to be, not as men suppose Him to be 2. He is righteous, just, love, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, etc.

B. Believing He wills

1. i.e., He has certain desires & wishes concerning man as set forth NT 2. Jesus prays, "thy will be done on earth..." 3. Salvation promised to those who do His will, Matt. 7:21; 1 Jn. 2:17 4. Man's faith relates to God's will as it does to His existence (Gal. 2:6)

C. Believing He rewards (Matt.5:12) 1. Who? Believers who seek Him according to His will. 2. "Those who seek Him first, Matt. 6.33 diligently"


A. Such humility involves awareness of three things 1. Greatness of God (as seen above) 2. Littleness of self (cannot direct own steps) 3. Sense of need (As David (Ps. 51:1-4); as prodigal, publican) 4. "lowliness is the beginning of holiness"

Iii. Must Come Willingly

A. Principle of willingness fundamental to all spiritual progress 1. Jn. 7:17 "If any man willeth to do His will..." 2. 2 Cor. 8:12 "For if there be FIRST a willing mind..." 3. Men cannot be driven to God:— but they can be driven FROM Him...

B. True faith is ever demonstrated in willing obedience

Iv. Must Come On God's Terms

A. Versus modern concepts to the contrary only hinder coming to God 1. Seeking to establish their own righteousness, Rom. 10:3

B. Word of reconciliation shows way of reconciliation, 2 Cor. 5:18-20

1. Coming to God IS reconciliation and is possible only in removing the enmity between man and God--SIN: (Isa. 59:1,2) 2. The gospel contains God's remedy, Rom. 1:16; Jn. 8:32; Jas.1:21 3. "There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy...", Jas. 1:12 (Note: He who gives the law, and He only, is able to save')