Moving, If Not Marching
If refusing to write the report could change this first item, there would be a blank space here. After 11 years and 5 months of fruitful labor with the Oaks-West church, Dan S. Shipley is moving to Lindale, TX. Elders, deacons, and members of this church, and citizens of this county, will truly miss Dan & Wilma, and we wish them well in this new field of work for the Lord. In my estimation, there could be no better co-worker in the effort to convert people to Christ, than Dan S. Shipley.
Dan will continue to write for Plain Talk, for which we are all thankful. The Shipley-Turner partnership for sale of Plain Talk Reprints will also continue. Dan and Wilma's address after Aug. 1, will be Post Office Box 1110, Lindale, TX. 75771.
As Dan steps out, David Smitherman will step into the Burnet work. David has preached in Victoria and Bryan Texas, and comes to us from the Laurel Street church in McAllen, Texas. He and Mamie have two children: Bryan (13), and Charlotte (11). David's father has been a long-time elder in the Imhoff church, Port Arthur, TX.; and David's close association with the cause of Christ, and his work under varied circumstances, should make him well suited to Oaks-West needs. We regret Dan's leaving, but are happy to have this competent man as our co-worker, beginning August 1, '82.
James McClenny
is another addition to the Oaks-West work force. Following the steps of Kevan O'Banion and Curtis Wubbena, he will assist in pulpit, radio, class and personal work — while training for his life service as a gospel preacher. Originally from Lindale, TX., he comes to Burnet after 4 years of college. He and Karen Miller plan to be married July 27,'82.—---------------
Buffalo Printing
, (Glenn Burt and son James of Buffalo, TX., will take Bob Craig's place as P.T. printer. Bro. Craig has moved to Odessa, TX.-----------------
So why fight it? Our January issue said, "If I return to Florida College" — leaving a bit of uncertainty. Now, we have decided to give it another "go"; and, reportedly, will teach the Roman Letter, Interpretation of Epistles, and a Seminar course for upper division students — in fall semester only. Vivian and I will rent in Florida, keeping our this world-home at "Rocky Roost II" Burnet. Just can't imagine anyone wanting to move away from Burnet, Texas. (Attention, Dan!)