Voting Age For P. T.
With this issue Plain Talk begins its 18th year. We write the things we believe need to be said, they are multiplied by thousands and sent to far corners of the world. It is a bit frightening, and humbling. No, we are not a "great" paper; we are a little paper with some great readers, and we feel a tremendous responsibility to those readers. We sincerely thank you for many kind words of encouragement, knowing that even these add to the weight of our obligations.
The Oaks-West church of Christ, Burnet, began this publication with the intention of promoting "better attitudes among brethren" — by example as well as by teaching. We hoped to achieve our objective, not by "sugar-talk" or by hiding our true convictions, but by fair, open, objective discussion of issues and problems common among brethren. We also felt that we should offer a positive application of scriptures, exegetical in nature, and not be content with reacting to situations. This high standard has strained us at times, but we will not give up trying.
Plain Talk is not an open forum for brotherhood writers but if responsible writers differ with us we offer four pages of one paper for equal space discussion of that issue. We will take two pages each, set our position and rebuttal before readers, then go on to other things. We try to keep this a well balanced paper.
Plain Talk is sent free to all who request it. We drop those who move and do not send us a change of address — even though we may know their new address. It is our way of limiting our mailing list to people who really want the paper. We do NOT solicit church directories or other blanket mailing lists; and urge those who send in a few names now and then to check with prospective readers.
Single copies of back issues are available for past few years, but the early years are long gone. The church can not reprint these for sale, so brother Shipley and I have financed a reprint of volumes 1-4, some of which are still available; and volumes 5-8, will soon come from the press. These may be ordered from SHIPLEY-TURNER at the address given below. We hope our readers will contact us for commercial details inappropriate for publication in these columns.
Questions and comments for use on our "YOU KNOW WHAT?" page are welcomed. We will try to give Bible answers; but do not expect us to cope with personal problems, nor to become involved in particular situations.