Vol.XIV No.III Pg.4
May 1977

Paul, To The Romans (1-5)

Robert F. Turner

I am Paul, a called one, as respects God's good news. This gospel was promised when Christ was promised: a descendent of Abraham through David yet the very Son of God, as proven by his resurrection. He called, and sent me to all nations, that the blessings of the gospel might be had by all who are obedient to the faith.

']'his good news concerning Christ, when incorporated in a faithful life, is God's way of saving man from sin.


Men universally could know of God as the Eternal Power and Deity, by looking at His product, the created world. This should cause all to praise Him, and recognize dependence upon Him. Instead, men have allowed pride and fleshly lust to rule. Such men God justly "gave up" to the consequences of their own sin.

All mankind shows a sense of moral "ought." We claim to see wrong in others, and know the wrongdoer is worthy of death. So, when we do wrongly, God is just in condemning us. Thus, Gentiles, having no access to codified law, stand justly condemned. A Just God renders judgment according to the deeds of each individual, without respect of person.

The Jews, with all their advantages, have failed to live according to the law of which they boast. 'they have erroneously thought that outward marks, as circumcision or lineage, will save. But God sees the inward man, the heart, the spirit of man. Yes, God is Just in condemning both Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned. ---------------------

Law is not the remedy. Law (rightful authority of God and just administration of the same) has but emphasized man's failure. All have alike missed the mark. Seeking justification (freedom from guilt) on the basis of law alone is futile: for no amount of right-doing can remove the guilt of wrong-doing. Even the Law and Prophets of old testify to this, saying the righteous man will live in his faithfulness (rather than by the perfectness of his doing.)

God's plan for man's righteousness is one of grace, expressed in the sacrifice of His Son. Christ paid the penalty for sin on our behalf, so that God is both Just and the justifier of all who put their trust in Christ rather than in themselves. Redemption (buying back), Justification (making free of guilt), and Propitiation (appeasement of the one offended, viz., God), are all made possible through the death of the Son of God, and the operation of forgiveness.

Nothing has been done to void law, (for submission to divine authority is essential in all dispensations). But efforts to attain justification via perfect obedience are vain. Both Jews and Gentiles must trust in Jesus Christ for justification via forgiveness.

As an example and test case, Abraham had rightstanding with God, not because of perfect doing so as to merit this standing, but by the operation of forgiveness on the basis of trust. As David said, God's grace is extended in the operation of forgiveness. And Abraham was justified, not (continued next page)