Stuff About Things
Buying your own burial plot can be a traumatic experience or it can be a sensible business transaction that accepts your rightful responsibility. Vivian and I tried to make it the latter, and we must have succeeded for I noticed the cemetery agent raised his brow when I offered to trade in a few items on the deal. No harm done.
One must be prepared to face a lot of loved ones talk, the advantages of perpetual care, and free coffee for those who come to visit. If you take the deal on double markers you may choose epitaphs like Together Forever or Eternal Rest. We liked the plain ones. There is also a nice pitch for air-sealed caskets, and vaults that keep the grave from sinking in. Many of these advantages had nothing to compare with that of spending the money for living expenses, and doing what good we can — now!
Vivian would have preferred lots closer to town. She says when she is 98 it will be such a chore to come and visit me. Strange, but I always thought I would be visiting her. The truth is, none of us will allow ourselves to consider factually and sensibly the certainty of our death. It only happens to other nice people. Death is not a laughing matter, neither should it be a morbid or horrifying thought. When we are done with our tabernacle it must return to mother earth, one way or another. A Texas hillside, canopied with blue skies and sheltered by Spanish oaks, seems like as good a place as any. We drove home with a feeling of relief, and the satisfaction of knowing that such decisions would not have to be made by loved ones under the emotional stress of that inevitable day.
And. deep inside I think we both felt a bit more mature, a bit more at peace with ourselves, for having accepted this reality. The power of eternal life over death has been effectually demonstrated in Jesus, who led captivity captive. We are secure in our faith, our trust in Him.
But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning thee which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with.. him. (1 Thes .4:13-f.) No, mister, we are not buying a permanent resting place. We just want a cot, where we can take a nap.