Guthrie Dean, Box 105, Judsonia, Arkansas, April 28, 1957: "We just closed a very enjoyable meeting with the church at Providence. Brother Harley Sissen is the preacher there. The work with the church at Bald Knob is progressing nicely. Attendance and contributions have increased 30% since December. My health is up to par again. My next meeting is at Crosby."
A New Work Started
Choice L. Bryant, 165 So. 15th St., Salem, Oregon, April 22, 1957: "On April 7, 1957 a new congregation had its beginning in Woodburn, Oregon. The Central church in Salem is supplying most of the preacher's support and proposes to do so until the new work develops sufficiently to carry its own load.
The work began with 42 in Bible classes, 47 in morning worship service and 34 in the evening service; and with a charter membership of 24.
Most of the members of this new congregation were members of and attending in Salem. The prospects are bright for a good and strong church in Woodburn.
At present the meeting place is the Oregon National Guard Armory, First & Cleveland Streets in Woodburn. The mailing address is Box 41, Woodburn, Oregon.
Dew Wilson, 1502 South Third, Tucumcari, New Mexico, April 25, 1957: "We have just concluded a fine gospel meeting in which brother Forrest Moyer preached. Five were baptized and several rededicated themselves to God's Service.
I have enjoyed two years with the congregation here. I think we have advanced in every phase of the work. On June 1st I am to begin work at Rupert, Idaho with the support of the fine congregation at Bunavista, Borger, Texas. I worked with them three years as local evangelist and evaluate them very highly. They have two men on their payroll besides brother Darrell Shaw, their local preacher. I will be the third supported for "mission" work.
Brother Forrest Moyer, who worked with the congregation here three years from 1951 to 1954, will be moving back to work here again."
Debate At Kennett, Missouri
William A. See, Blytheville, Arkansas and Fred Killebrew Senath, Missouri will engage in a religious debate on May 7, 8, 9, and 10. The debate will be conducted in Kennett, Missouri, 7:30 each evening.
The following propositions will be discussed:
It Is Scriptural For A Church With Elders To Secure A Gospel Preacher To Preach The Gospel To The Church, Such As Is Practiced By The Church Of Christ In Blytheville, Arkansas.
Affirm - William A. See Deny - Fred Killebrew
It Is Unscriptural For A Church With Elders To Secure A Gospel Preacher To Preach The Gospel To The Church, Such As Is Practiced By The Church Of Christ In Blytheville, Arkansas.
Affirm - Fred Killebrew Deny - William A. See
Jerry Belchick, Orlando, Florida, April 25, 1957: "From March 31 through April 9 brother A. Hugh Clark from Baytown, Texas conducted one of the most successful gospel meetings in the history of this congregation. Eleven (11) were baptized, one (1) restored and one (1) placed membership. The following Sunday another man was baptized as a result of the meeting. Brother Clark's lessons were powerful and enlightening. Near capacity attendance greeted every session of the meeting. Brother Clark has been invited back in 1959."
Vestal Chaffin, Box 226, Bruceton, Tennessee, May 27, 1957: "I am to begin regular work with the Park and Main Street church in Charleston, West Virginia, on May 12. I am looking forward to working in that section of the country. Our new address will be 908 Grant St., Charleston 2, W. Va. Correspondents will please notice change of address."
Ernest A. Finley, 1810 Buchanan Street, Wichita Falls, Texas, April 24, 1957: "The radio broadcast which has been carried for many years by the Floral Heights church may be heard each Lord's day morning at 8:00 o'clock over radio station KWFT, 620 kc. I begin my second year of work with the Floral Heights congregation the first of June. Brother W. L. Wharton, Odessa, Texas will conduct our spring meeting, May 31 - June 9. Vacation Bible School June 17-21. I have published a tract on the question of church cooperation which I will be happy to send to you in any quantity that you may have use for them free of charge. Do not hesitate to write for them. I would like very much to give them a wide circulation. The congregation here is contributing to the support of Cam Finley, Cody, Wyoming and Ben Shropshire, Hillsboro, Oregon."
Walking By Faith
W. W. Otey By the courtesy of brother Cogdill. I was privileged to read the new book, WALKING BY FAITH, in the galley proofs. In my judgment it is the most complete and detailed analysis of the New Testament church that it has ever been my good fortune to examine. It seems to me that it is almost indispensible to every preacher and Bible teacher. It matters not from what viewpoint one desires to study any phase of the church, its work, worship, how the New Testament Church carried on its evangelistic or benevolent work; every scripture relating to these things will be found collated and grouped under definite headings.
For studying the New Testament church in mature classes, it is preeminently adapted. In my sincere opinion every church will perform a great work in using it as a class book. Few indeed will fail to have a clearer conception of the church after a careful study of this little book. It is a veritable encyclopedia of Bible facts of what the church is, its evangelistic and benevolent work, and how it must be done in a scriptural way. I believe it will live to go through many editions and prove of great value in maintaining the New Testament church in this age when many seem to think the church is a social club rather than God's greatest work in and through which to save the lost.
This is voluntary, not solicited.
Sabinal Christian College Home-Coming
Daniel I Hiler One more and maybe the last home-coming event of former students and teachers of Sabinal Christian College is planned. The date set is June 21, the closing day of the Texas Normal Singing School. As before, there will be both morning and afternoon sessions; and the singing school will serve a free meal at noon in their dining hall, where all can eat together. Those who do not have friends or relatives in or near Sabinal can find over night accommodations in a modern tourist court. Let us all make a special effort to attend this home-coming. Many of us who were closely associated during our school days have not met since. This may be our last chance. If you will, come prepared to relate some reminiscence of our days at S. C. C.
There are still many exes that I have not located. Please send me the address of every ex-student and of every ex-teacher that you know, unless you are sure that I have it already. By doing so you may send some address that I would never get otherwise. I want to send a notice of the home-coming to every ex that I can.