Reading The Bulletins
News From Here And There
Nolan Wallace has recently moved from West Columbia, Texas to Spring Hill, Louisiana, where he will work with the church. ... William Wallace is to begin work with the Park Hill church in Fort Smith, Arkansas sometime this month. He is moving from Owensboro, Kentucky where he labored with the Central church . . . . Ward Hogland is now with the Spring Branch church in Houston, after about nine years of labor with the Park Hill church in Fort Smith, Arkansas ... Ted Kell, who is now laboring with the Southside church in Manchester, Tennessee, plans to move to Janesville, Wisconsin in September of this year . . . . Again I take this means of expressing gratitude to each and every one who is sending a bulletin or paper. Also, those that send in bulletins from other places with interesting items that can be used in this column.
Having Trouble Being Understood!
SECTS or SEX? Sometime ago your preacher was delivering sort of a series of sermons on sectarianism. In these sermons he used the terms sect in the plural (sects). When one says sects it sounds like he is saying SEX. One sister possessed with something of an old Victorian outlook on referring to such things as sex remarked that the preacher would harm the young people if he didn't quit talking about SEX so much! Hmmm. Well, that serves to illustrate that some people hear only what they want to hear from a sermon.
— William Wallace. Owensboro. Ky.
Special Notice To All Young People
A city-wide get-together will be held Thanksgiving night, Thursday. November 28, at the Union Avenue Church. A devotional service will be at 8:30 p. m. and refreshments will be served afterward. Then the group will go to Skateland Roller Rink. which has been reserved for our use until midnight. Tickets will be sold only at Union Avenue. Those who wish to attend the skating party are asked to attend the devotional service, too. Tickets are 50c for those renting skates. — Taken from a bulletin of a church in Memphis, Tennessee. (Editor's Note: Go back and read this announcement again. Such things are very common now. Notice (1) the definite reference to the building as the "Union Avenue Church"; (2) that "refreshments will he served" after what they call a "devotional:" and (3) "Tickets will be sold only at Union Avenue." Can anyone doubt in the face of such evidence that churches over the land are fast following in the path of the digressives and sectarians? Refreshments, recreation, fun, parties, showers, socials and other entertainment are about all that some churches offer to the members and to the world.)
A Ft. Worth, city-wide, chorus is to have its beginning this Sunday evening at 8:30 at the West Berry building. For some time there has been an interest in this matter and now to launch out beyond the planning stage to become a reality.
Brother Foy Hall, present song director with the West Berry congregation will direct this chorus. Brother Hall is well known in the Ft. Worth area and his ability as a chorus director is not only known but highly respected.
All interested persons throughout the Ft. Worth area — interested in becoming a part of this city-wide chorus — Senior High School age and up — are to report to the W. Berry building 2701 W. Berry, Nov. 24, 8:30 p. m. — The West Berry Banner, Ft. Worth, Texas.
(Editor's Note: There are many things developing among us today of city-wide, area-wide or state-wide size. This is some more of the "Big Things In Big Ways" spirit that is so apparent. When they get this city-wide chorus set-up, just what will it be called (Fort Worth Church Of Christ Chorus?) and for whom will they perform? One who can not see the evil consequences and results of such practices, to say nothing spirit which promotes such, is too enamored with the liberal spirit so evident today.)
J. Edgar Hoover Speaks
(Editor's note: There is not a man in America today who knows more about the problems of the teen-ager than J. Edgar Hoover. In the Magazine section of the Commercial Appeal, Sunday, October 26, Mr. Hoover lays down ten rules for teen-agers to observe. I think these good enough to pass on to our own teen-age people. I hope also that mothers and fathers will notice these rules, and that they will impress the same upon the children.)
Mr. Hoover writes: "Don't invite trouble: Here are 10 rules that every parent should make sure his youngster knows."
1. If any stranger — or even a slight acquaintance — makes improper advances, tell your parents immediately.
Young people are too often kind-hearted about such things — they dislike the idea of getting an offender into "trouble." Just remember that if you don't report him, he'll probably get into worse trouble later on — to say nothing of the harm he may cause.
2. If you know of any pornographic pictures or literature being passed around, notify your parents immediately.
Obscene reading matter is a favorite habit of the degenerate. If the authorities can run down the source and trace the material, they may be able to rid the community of the danger before it starts.
3. Know your date! Don't go out on "blind dates" unless another couple is along — and even then be cautious.
If someone phones and says he's a friend of Jack Jones, tell him you'd be glad to have Jack Jones introduce him.
4. Stay out of "Lovers' Lanes."
It's natural to want to be alone with your date, but experience shows that "Lovers' Lanes" are favorite haunts of sex criminals.
5. Don't wander away alone from the crowd at picnics and outings. Stay within calling distance.
Sex criminals are easily attracted to any group of young people, and given an opportunity they can strike with frightening speed.
6. Don't ask for trouble — dress sensibly. Provocative clothing may attract the attention of a potential sex criminal.
7. Be civil to strangers who ask directions, but never go part way with them.
The "directions" trick is a favorite among sex criminals. They count on the natural helpfulness of young people.
8. Be very careful about accepting work from a stranger.
This is another insidious dodge. Always make sure that the person is a respectable businessman.
9. Don't go about the house half-dressed.
This may seem harmless, but it's an invitation to "Peeping Tom's" — who may later become something more dangerous.
10. Never, Never Hitchhike!
And never, never pick a hitchhiker up!