Adventures In Good Reading
BEING AND BELIEVING by Byran Green, Charles Scribner's Sone. $2.50 Per Copy:
A book filled with gems of thought, which will furnish the public speaker with suggested material, and will be often used by those who have not time to make lengthy preparation for a speech.
It will be a fruitful book to read at the breakfast table. To spend three minutes reading the subjects will be time well spent, and leave impressions on each member of the family.
"Being And Believing." What a man believes, if he is honest with himself and those he contacts, is reflected in what he does. Too many are deceived into thinking that because they believe facts about Christ, they believe in Christ. If you are honest with yourself what you believe about Christ is reflected in what you do with Christ, and yourself. Mr. Green's book will do you good.
WHEN THE TIME HAD FULLY COME, By Herman N. Ridderbos, Ph. D., Wm. B. Ferdmans Publishing Co. $1.50 per copy:
This is one of the "Pathway Books," being the third book in the series. In this series of books there is offered the reading public books dealing with research by "Evangelical Studies," the trend in the religious world, and the history as well as discussion of Bible themes.
If you are seeking some "light" literature to read while relaxing, do not buy these books. If you wish to make excursions with serious students who provoke thought and give information you will find food for thought.
Volume three of this series, is a discussion of "The kingdom of God is at hand" Mk. 1:15. In the discussion and interesting study of "The sermon on the Mount," "Paul and the Law," "The Law (of Moses) and salvation" will interest you.
Though you may not fully agree with the author in his every statement, you will be delighted with the book as a whole, and find much to stimulate thought; and store a deal of valuable information for use. The book will be appreciated by the student, and cast out by those who wish predigested food.
THE REVELATION, By Ulrich Rische Beeson, B. A., M. A., 1622 Battery St., Little Rock, Arkansas., $2.50 per copy:
In the Foreword of the book, the author says the conclusion of his study leads him to say: "All the prophecies concerning John the Immerser, Jesus' personal ministry, the advent of the Holy Spirit to guide the apostles into all truth and all events terminating the Jewish polity, their race, and their history as God's people associated therewith during the first century is the matter with which John's Revelation deals and nothing else."
The author takes issue with most of the ones who have written on the Revelation."
On page 80 the author says: "As there was a universal apostasy of the Jews and all humanity before the Cross and the bringing of Christ's new order under the apostles even so shall there be immediately before Christ's second coming to judge the world a universal apostasy of the churches of Christ when the Dragon and his demons shall be released from the pit."
You will find the author has made a close study of the book, and delivers himself freely. It's an interesting study, and provokes thoughts which you may not be able is reconcile with your views.