Report Of Johnstown, Pennsylvania "Flood City"
On June 15, 1957, I received a letter from a small congregation in Pennsylvania asking, "Would you be interested in moving to Johnstown to help us build up the church? We desperately need a full-time preacher." Two weeks later this challenge was accepted.
On August 21, my family left Kalamazoo, Michigan, where we had spent three years with the East Main church. We left these brethren in tears but felt we were needed more in Johnstown, Pa. This is my home state and I had been acquainted with this work while preaching at Indiana, thirty miles away.
For several years this small band of Christians met in a converted dwelling on a crowded downtown street. During this time the membership "see-sawed" back and forth with a few conversions and some moving away.
Eventually, the property was paid for. Then, about a year ago, the brethren decided that something had to be done that the church might grow. A fine site was found in fast-growing Richland Township and upon successfully engineering sale of the old building a new plant was erected providing off-the-street parking and seating for 180. An $8,000.00 debt now stands and is being paid on monthly.
There are approximately 30 members in this city of 90,000. Naturally, a congregation of this size is unable to take care of all their obligations and still offer full support to a preacher. Knowing this when I came, and that a great sacrifice was involved, I was determined to come regardless. I believed this city to be a strategic spot in this Northeastern state where churches are few and far between. I also had faith that if brethren and congregations who have ability knew of this work that they would help me to help the saints at Johnstown.
$100.00 a month is needed to provide an average income. With hard work and lots of prayer we believe that the church will grow to the point that they will be able to bear the full load. Brethren, can I count on your support? I am presently paying my own rent and utilities.
Your assistance is needed and needed now. If you are unable, however, to assist until after the first of the year, we would appreciate knowing that. All contributions will be acknowledged and a report given. Don't pass this off as "just another plea!"
You may contact the following brethren about this work: E. Ray Coates, % Church of Christ, 225 East Pike, Indiana, Pa.; H. J. Holly, % Church of Christ, Box 52, Summerville, Pa. (my home congregation); and/or Richard A. Robinson, % Church of Christ, 3620 Roosevelt Rd., Jackson, Michigan. Any further information can be yours by writing me at: 2783 Bedford St., Johnstown, Penn.