Answer To A False Charge
We have received the following statement from the elders of the Fifth and Highland Church in Abilene, Texas. In it they declare that our brief note in the August 1 Gospel Guardian (quoted below) is "utterly false"; and then undertake to explain the editor's motives in publishing the paragraph.
The only way we know to refute such an accusation from them is to let the FACTS speak for themselves.
We ask you to read the statement of these men — AND THEN READ THEIR FINANCIAL REPORT!! It will be perfectly obvious as to who is dealing in falsehood. Here is their statement:
To Whom It May Concern:
The following statement is made by the elders of the church of Christ located at South Fifth and Highland Streets in Abilene, Texas. The necessity for this statement is apparently due to the reprinting in some church bulletins of the following article that appeared in the overflow section of the Gospel Guardian in the August 1 issue.
Herald Of Truth
Well, as predicted in the past, the time has come when Fifth and Highland Church, Abilene, Texas, contributes NOTHING to "Herald of Truth." All she does now apparently is spend the money sent in by other churches. Even the salary of her own paid elder is paid by other churches! Fifth and Highland has stopped practically all her mission work — and her chief effort now is to promote trouble and division among sister congregations in an effort to continue Herald of Truth. Is it worth it? It has brought confusion and division to God's people all over the nation, and has brought Fifth and Highland virtually to the edge of bankruptcy.
Gospel Guardian, Aug. 1, 1957
Concerning the article, the elders of the Highland congregation wish to state that the entire statement is utterly false and was apparently written for the purpose of creating distrust in the minds of brethren favorable toward support of the radio and television program, Herald of Truth; sowing discord among those congregations now supporting this work and if possible to even destroying the Highland congregation itself.
Anyone wishing more specific and detailed information may obtain same by addressing a request to the Highland Church of Christ, P. O.Box 1858, Abilene, Texas.
"These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgement of truth and peace in your gates: And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the Lord." (Zech. 8:16-17)
"Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding." (Prov. 23:23)
Signed: Frank Cawyer, M. E. Gilliland, J. W. Green, H. E. Hart, J. M. Patterson, John F. Reese, Lewis Smith, W. C. Smith, R. W. Varner, L. E. Weathers.
Elders: Highland Church of Christ
P. O. Box 1858, Abilene, Texas In our "Overflow" item of August 1, we made these charges:
1. The time has come when Highland Church contributes NOTHING to Herald of Truth.
2. She spends the money sent in by other churches.
3. The salary of her own paid elder (in charge of Herald of Truth) is paid by other congregations.
4. She has stopped practically all her mission work.
5. Her chief effort now is to promote trouble and division among sister congregations.
6. She is virtually on the edge of bankruptcy.
Herewith we give the financial report of Highland Church for the month of July, 1957; as you read the report please note that:
1. Highland Church made NO CONTRIBUTION to Herald of Truth.
2. All the money spent on Herald of Truth in July was contributed by OTHER churches.
3. The salary of John F. Reese is paid out of "Herald of Truth" funds — NOT Highland's funds.
4. Her "mission work" (support of work other than Highland) was $140.00. This is about her average; her May report showed $135.00; the June report showed $130.00. (How does that look for a church of some 1200 members, who five years ago were contributing well over $1,000.00 per month to mission work?)
5. That her roving elders are stirring up trouble among congregations all over the nation is a fact too well known to need comment.
6. Highland Church's budget demands $2500.00 per Sunday. Her collections for July averaged $683.48 per Sunday UNDER her budgeted expenditures. For June she fell UNDER by $961.28 per Sunday;
For May she fell BEHIND by $551.37 per Sunday. How many businesses (or churches) can avoid bankruptcy when their INCOME is approximately $700.00 per week LESS than their budgeted expenditures? We have reliable information that the financial institutions of Abilene who hold Highland's notes are becoming uneasy as to her financial stability.
Here is Highland's
Financial Statement -- July 1957
Highland Church Of Christ
Balance Cash on Hand, July 1, 1957 . $-92.05 Contributions:
July 7 ..........................................$2,220.12 July 14
July 21
July 28 ...................................... 1,527.07
Total Contribution
---- 7,266.08Old Colony Insurance-
Broken Glass
110.16General American Insurance -
Premium Refund ........................... ..... 85.91
Total Cash Available
---- $ 7,370.10
Local preaching ... $ 600.00 Local singing
Church secretary ....................... 220.00 Educational Director
Building and Grounds Custodian 259.62 Building and Grounds Extra Help .. 96.50
Director of Internal Revenue 428.27
Payment on new building ........... 2,469.71
Payment on Loan -
Citizens National Bank
Aid to sick and needy ................ 131.83
Bible school supplies ................. 131.35
Building and Ground Supplies
and Repairs
Flowers ..................................... 15.00 Highland Helper ........................ 189.30
Local Evangelistic Work . ...... .... 200.00 Local Radio Work ...................... 145.50
Communion Supplies ................ 154.50 Miscellaneous
Office Supplies .......................... 61.71 Tracts ....................................... 38.71
Utilities ..................................... 124.45
Rent for Preachers Home -
June and July ............................ 120.00
Payment on House at 326
Highland - May, June, July .... 180.00
Nursery ..................................... 35.88 Church - Augusta, Maine ............ 100.00
Church - Torreon, Mexico
Church - Local Colored
Special Calls .......................... 225.00 Total Disbursements ................................ ..... $7,700.42
Total Cash on Hand, July 31, 1957
---- $--330.32
This report is taken from Highland's own weekly bulletin, Highland Helper. The month of July is not the first, nor the only month this year that found Highland Church contributing not one red cent to Herald of Truth. If Highland's elders say otherwise, we have the FACTS to disprove such a statement from their own published financial records!
Either they have published financial statements that are "utterly false," or else their present statement is 'utterly false." Take your choice. No amount of explanation, ratiocination, involved apology, defense, or wild and reckless charges against those who expose them can remove the simple eloquence of Highland's own financial statements. These monthly reports speak far more eloquently and powerfully than any charge or accusation that any outsider could ever level against the Highland elders. THESE ARE THEIR OWN PUBLISHED RECORDS.
Will they repudiate their own published records? We shall see. For now we have published financial statements that are in glaring, obvious, and undeniable contradiction to Highland's claims. Let these elders now tell the brotherhood WHICH TIME they told the truth. Anybody with ability to read and understand words can see they did NOT tell the truth both times. One or the other of these documents is FALSE.
Since nationwide repercussions followed our expose! of Highland's NOT contributing to Herald of Truth, and these elders were subjected to a storm of criticism for their action, they have hastily resumed their contributions, and are even talking of trying a special effort, to make up for the months they did NOT contribute - but in their precarious financial condition we doubt that they can ever make it up.
Yes, "figures don't lie" - but sometimes men do. Especially when they are trying to defend an idol.
F. Y. T.