Female Orphan Schools
I have written several articles on orphan homes. I have said there was not an orphan home established by any of the reformers during the first hundred years of the Restoration movement.
I will now write an article on "Female Orphan Schools." In the Millennial Harbinger 1843, page 48, we read.
"Female Collegiate Institute"
Georgetown, Kentucky
"The eleventh session will be opened on the first Monday in March, and close on the third Friday in July 1843, when a recess of two weeks will occur. T. F. Johnson, A. M. Principal, Miss Georgetta Haven, Miss Caroline Stonwood, Miss Clarissa Baker, Assistants. Mr. George F. Heidelberg, Teacher of Music, assistants. The assistants are all experienced teachers, and graduates of the best schools in the United States. They are exemplary Christians, and reside in the family of the Principal, having constant care of the pupils." In speaking of the pupils, he says: "They are not allowed to visit or receive visits, nor to go to the stores, nor to attend night meetings; nor to participate in public amusements, or parties of pleasure, under any circumstances; nor to wear jewelry, or fine dresses. They are permitted to attend any place of worship which their parents may prefer.
Terms In Advance
"Tuition in the Junior class $15.00. Tuition in the higher classes, with French and Latin $20.00. Tuition in music including the use of pianos $25.00. Board including fuel and candles $45.00. Singing, Drawing, Painting, etc. at Teachers' price."
The Pioneers were certainly interested in education, and parents could feel sure that their girls were protected while they were away from home in school. They did not have any monkey business such as the girls running around at nights with boys, and some times spending the night with them in the woods.
In the Millennial Harbinger 1846, page 120, we read:
"Female Collegiate Institute"
Georgetown, Kentucky
T. F. Johnson, A. M. Principal, with five associates.
The 17th Session will open March 1st, and close July 17th 1846, after a public Examination of three days.
Terms In Advance
Board and tuition $80.00. Music with use of Instruments $25.00. French, Drawing, or Painting $10.00. Vocal music or Embroidery $3.00. No extra charge for use of library, and Philosophical Apparatus. Pupils who practice at the Institute, will be charged for extra fuel. December 30th 1845."
If some fellow had later referred to this "Female Collegiate Institute" as "that home for orphan girls," would that have changed it from an "Institute" to an orphan home?
In the Millennial Harbinger 1846, pages 419, 420, we read: "CONTEMPLATED FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL." Mr. Campbell commented on the above as follows: "The following project of our benevolent and indefatigable brother, Dr. Pinkerton, seems to be as practicable as it is humane and Christian, and would seem to merit the kind consideration of the philanthropic and wealthy portion of the Christian community. I know not why the Romanists should engross almost all the female orphans in our country, and induct them into the dark superstitions of Babylon the Great, the Mother, etc. etc. May not we Protestants take care of orphans and widows as well as they?"
We now quote Dr. Pinkerton's statements. "But to come to the principal object of the communication. — I have been for the last four years meditating the establishment of an extensive Female Orphan School; and having completed the plan as far as I am able, in advance, I have decided to obtain a charter next winter, and press the matter on to success. It is not my intention, by rearing the Institution, or in any other way, to make brethren responsible for its failure; although if it succeeds, the Lord willing, the churches of Christ shall have the credit. My plan for obtaining means, etc. will be submitted as soon as it may seem expedient to do so. All to whom I have named the project, and they are many, promises their hearty co-operation. Believing, as I do, that in building up and arranging such an Institution, I can accomplish much for highest interest for my race, I would earnestly bespeak for the project the consideration of the benevolent, and would be glad to receive suggestions from any who may feel competent to offer them. L. L. Pinkerton. Midway, Ky. June 1846."
"Female School"
"The undersigned has opened a school for young ladies, at Midway, Woodford, Kentucky, immediately on the Railroad leading from Frankfort to Lexington. The third session will commence on the first Monday in May next.
Terms — Payable In Advance
Board and washing, per session of 21 weeks $35.00. Tuition $15.00. Music on Piano $25.00. The course of study prescribed for this school is somewhat extensive, especially in the department of Natural History. The French language is taught without extra charge. . . . Those desiring to patronize our school will address the undersigned at Midway. L. L. Pinkerton."
In the Millennial Harbinger 1848, pages 712-714, we read:
"Female Orphan School"
"I commend this benevolent Institution to the generous consideration and aid of the friends of female orphans in the noble and magnanimous state in which it is located. A. C. "OUTLINE OF A PLAN FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE KENTUCKY FEMALE SCHOOL, SUBMITTED TO THE TRUSTEES of the Institution. — By L. L. Pinkerton."
I will now quote a few extracts from the lengthy outline submitted to the board of Trustees by Dr. L. L. Pinkerton. "We notice, first, the provisions of the charter.
1. No pupil can be received under nine years of age, nor remain in the Institution more than four years . . . We then reply, that the object of the school will be, to afford the orphan girl, the most extensive and valuable education that can possibly be acquired within the time prescribed. This education will be directed to four objects: — 1. The development and corroboration of the moral constitution. 2. The improvement of the intellectual powers. 3. The development of the physical system ... Practical house-keeping will embrace all the details of making, mending, washing, and ironing garments — cleaning, cooking, and whatever may he included in the idea of keeping a house in good order." Having been acquainted with "Fanning Orphan School" while I was in Nashville, where my only sister attended one year, I know the above principles are the very principles, and purpose that controlled that school.
I would like to ask Brother Guy N. Woods for his legal opinion here. Can an "Orphan Home" be run under a charter obtained for a "Female Orphan School?" And the "Terms Payable In Advance." 'Board and washing. for session of 21 weeks, $36.00, and Tuition. $15, etc." If someone had visited this 'Female Orphan School," and referred to it as "that home of Female Orphans" would that have legally changed it from a "Female Orphan School," to an "orphan home." such as Childhaven at Cullman, Alabama? I am only asking for your legal opinion, Brother Woods.