Adventures In Good Reading
139 SERMON OUTLINES, By W. Robertson Nicholl, Baker Book House. 2.95.
More than forty preachers, of different churches have outlines in this book, and it is an unusual book, in that the sermons are based on Old Testaments "Texts."
A book of about 300 pages, and the outlines are more extensive than some of the outlines being offered. The 1st. outline is based on Gen. 1:1; and the last sermon on Zech. 4:10.
He who studies these "outlines" will be reviewing the work of men, some of whom have passed on; and will gain much information of Old Testament history.
Numbers of the sermon outlines were used by ministers in the Old World. The book, in its field is valuable, and deserves a wide sale.
SALUTE THY SOUL, By Clarence E. McCartney, Abingdon Press. $2.00.
A book of thirteen sermons, the burden of which is the Salvation of the Soul. The author undertakes the presentation of the different angles from which he discusses the subject. The question of the value of the soul, as Jehovah sees man is a very interesting viewpoint.
The author presents numerous apt illustrations, and holds the intense interest of the reader through each subject discussed. The Christian, as well as the unsaved will become more thoughtful of their lives, influence and destiny by reading this well-written, informative book. Secure a copy for your library and you will often refer to it.
CHRIST'S KINGDOM AND COMING, By Jesse Wilson Hodges, A.M., TH. M., DD., LITT.D., Wm. Ferdmans Publishing Co. $3.00.
The author of this book gives numbers of quotations from those who teach there will come a time when Christ will be in Jerusalem, seated on a temporal throne — and rule as did David.
The reader of this interesting, informative book may not agree with all that the author says about the kingdom of heaven, and the kingdom of God, and the church, he does not leave a leg on which Premillennialism can stand. Though courteous, he is direct in argument, discusses issues. His discussion on the second coming of Christ, and what takes place, runs counter to the views of some of his brethren, but he does not "pull the punch" in his arguments.
If you have been bothered over the theory of Premillennialists, you will be delighted with this book, and profited by its contents.
I predict for the book a wide circulation. Secure a copy, and be informed on a number of points. A well conscience.