Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 14, 1957

Baptist Baptism Vs Bible Baptism

Earl Fly, Valley Station, Kentucky

"Baptism Is Not Essential To Salvation

So says the Standard Manual for Baptist Churches by Hiscox, page 20. This statement denies and contradicts many plain Bible passages. Notice the following contrast between Bible doctrine and Baptist doctrine.

Bible — "He that believeth and IS baptized shall be saved ...." (Mark 16:16.)

Baptist — "He that believeth and is NOT baptized shall be saved."

Bible — "Repent and be baptized . . . for the remission of sins." (Acts 2:38.)

Baptist — "Remission of sins comes before baptism." Bible — We are "baptized into Jesus Christ." (Rom. 6:3.) Baptist — We are not baptized into Jesus Christ, for one is in Christ before baptism.

Bible — "Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins . . ." (Acts 22:16.)

Baptist — "Baptism has nothing to do with sins being washed away. One must arise, have his sins washed away first, then be baptized."

Bible — ".... Baptism doth also now save us ...." (I Pet. 3:21.)

Baptist — ......Baptism doth also not save us ...."

When men are pressed hard with scriptural arguments proving that baptism IS essential to salvation, they usually reply: "Why we strongly believe in baptism. We baptize all our converts. So if baptism is essential to salvation, why we've been baptized." This sounds good to the untaught, soothes their troubled minds and keeps them satisfied to remain Baptists — until they learn more truth. The ONLY baptism Baptists believe in and practice is BAPTIST baptism. THERE IS A GREAT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BAPTIST BAPTISM AND BIBLE BAPTISM! Enough to render Baptist baptism unscriptural, null and void — completely unacceptable to God. Since our eternal salvation depends on having scriptural baptism we urge our Baptist friends to give earnest consideration to this important matter. Notice the differences between Baptist baptism and Bible baptism.

BIBLE BAPTISM 1. Puts one into Christ (Rom. 6:3). 2. Puts one into death of Christ where his blood was shed (Rom. 6:3). BAPTIST BAPTISM 1. Puts one into Baptist church. 2. Does NOT put one into Christ's death.
3. Is for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). 3. Is NOT for the remission of sins.
4. Is to have sins washed away (Acts 4. Is NOT to have sins washed away.
5. Is to save (I Peter 3:21; Mark 16:16). 5. Is NOT to save.
6. Is a part of the new birth (John 3:5). 6. Claims new birth BEFORE baptism.
7. Confesses faith in Christ before baptism 7. Confesses "God for Christ's sake has
(Acts 8:37; Rom. 10:10). pardoned my sins" before baptism.
8. is commanded by God (Acts 10:48). 8. Is NOT commanded by God.
9. Performed by authority of Christ (Matt. 9. Performed by authority of the Baptist
28:18, 19). church.

"But," someone asks, "Suppose I honestly thought I was being baptized right when I received Baptist baptism and did it to obey God — will I have to be baptized again?" Most certainly so! In Acts 19:1-5 we read of some honest, sincere, conscientious religious people who thought they had obeyed God in their baptism. But they had to be baptized again! Why? Because their baptism was not right; it was different from the baptism commanded by Christ. They had John's baptism which had been superseded by Christ's baptism. Notice that though these were responsible people who honestly thought they had obeyed God in receiving John's baptism (which had once been commanded by God) their baptism was not acceptable to God. They had not been baptized by the Authority of Christ. They did not believe the right thing. They believed on the Lord who should come but Christ had already come.

This proves that one cannot be scripturally baptized if it's done by the wrong authority, such as the Baptist church. It also proves that one must believe the right thing before baptism. Thus one who believes he is alreadysaved and so confesses before baptism (as required by Baptists) cannot possibly be scripturally baptized.

Scriptural baptism must have the right subject (a believer who has repented and confessed faith in Christ — Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; 8:37), the right element (water — Acts 8:36), the right action or mode (a burial — Rom. 6:4; Col. 2:12), the right design or purpose (for the remission of sins — Acts 2:38), and the right authority (the authority of Christ — Matt. 28:18, 19). Candidates for Baptist baptism believe the wrong thing (that they are already saved), confess the wrong thing, are baptized for the wrong purpose (to get into the Baptist church) by the wrong authority. Even Baptists admit that baptism is invalidated by the wrong subject (babies) and/or the wrong mode (sprinkling or pouring), and/or the wrong authority!

When those of Acts 19 learned that they had not been scripturally baptized they immediately were baptized again to fulfill the requirements for scriptural baptism. This is what all must do who have received Baptist baptism or be eternally lost.