Northwest Singing Normal To Be Held In Portland, Oregon, Aug. 1 - 13
The second annual Northwest Singing Normal will be held at the Columbia Bible School, 400 N. E. 90th, Portland, Oregon, August 1-13. Arrangements have been made to provide for an enrollment of more than 200 students from all parts of the Northwest.
The best talent that can be obtained will staff the school this year. Brother and sister Holland Boring Sr. and their two sons, Holland Jr. and Don will all be teaching in the Normal. Brethren Choice L. Bryant of Salem, Oregon, and J. C. Clifford of Goldendale, Washington both of whom are known throughout the Northwest for their interest and ability in training song leaders will be on the faculty. Many other brethren in the area who have had experience in teaching vocal music will assist in making the Northwest Normal one' of the greatest singing normals in the country.
Courses will be offered in Rudiments of Hymn Music, Harmony and Composition, Daily Voice lessons, Sight Reading, Fundamentals of Song Leading, How to Teach Hymn Music, Hymnology and Instruction in Acapella Singing.
Tuition will be $25 per person. A family plan is offered whereby two from the same family may attend for $35 and three or more (the whole family) may attend for $40.
Anyone over 10 years of age may enroll. Children under 10 may enroll by special permission. All who are interested in attending this Normal are urged to enroll at once in order to assure themselves of access to all of the courses and an opportunity to stay in the homes most convenient to the school. Applications should be accompanied by a registration fee of $5 which is a part payment of the tuition. Room and board can be had in Christian homes at a very reasonable rate. Men and boys who bring their bed-rolls will be given free sleeping quarters. Cafeteria meals will be served at cost.
For further information or to register for the 1955 session, August 1st to 13th write to the Northwest Singing Normal, % B. L. White, 400 N. E. 90th, Portland, Oregon.
C. B. Shropshire P. O. Box 356