Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 16, 1955


Charles Elledge Hill, 2928 Dunford, Fort Worth, Texas, May 31: "One was baptized and one placed membership Sunday. We have had additions every week for the last two months. For this we are exceedingly thankful and give God the praise. Our Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 20th through June 24th. Our goal is 300. June 6th through June 10th I will assist Neal Marshall with the Vacation Bible School of the Burbank Garden congregation of Grand Prairie, Texas. July 6th I will speak on the lectureship for the Worth Heights congregation of this city. July 29th through August 7th I will be in a meeting with the church in Mercury, Texas. Brother Tom B. Warren will do the preaching in our fall meeting September 25th through October 2nd."

Frank L. Smith, Tulsa, Oklahoma, May 31: "N. Sheridan church in Tulsa continues to grow after the beginning of the new N. Memorial congregation to which we gave about 85 members, including Brother Louis Green who will preach for them. We continue to average about 350 in classes and must have two services to seat audiences at worship. Two were baptized and two restored May 30. We hope to build a larger auditorium before long. My meeting at Chickasha where David Allan is preaching resulted in four baptisms and five restorations. At Holdenville with Clyde Corner we baptized five. He moves to Sulphur June 1st after doing a fine work at Holdenville."

John Bullock, 1900 Turtle Creek Dr., Marshall, Texas, June 1: "One was baptized last Wednesday evening. We are enjoying the work with the South Washington congregation. Our Gospel Meeting begins June 19th, and continues through June 26th. Brother Robert D. Bankes of Kilgore will do the preaching, and your writer will lead the singing. Brother Bankes will also assist us in our Vacation Bible School which is to be in conjunction with the meeting. We are looking for many throughout this area to attend our meeting. Let this announcement serve as an invitation to all in our vicinity. Two weeks prior to our meeting here at home, I shall assist in a Vacation Bible School at Farmersville, Texas. Pray for us."

J. M. Wilson, Dexter, New Mexico, May 12: "I have accepted the work with the Hagerman, New Mexico church, and will move June 1st. This is just six and one-half miles from where I now live. I wish to thank all who have inquired about my future plans. My time is now all taken for the next year except I might arrange for one ten-day meeting with some church that is not able to bear the expense of a meeting. If you want a meeting and are unable to pay a preacher contact me and I will do my best to serve you. When traveling on Highway 285 stop and worship with us in Hagerman. Turn east, cross the ATSF RR, turn south three blocks. You will find a warm welcome. The Gospel Guardian is fine — long may it live."

Charles F. House, Box 72164, Los Angeles 2, California, May 22: "The Lomita congregation which meets at 2041 West Pacific Coast Highway in Lomita continues to be blessed. Since last report two precious souls obeyed their Lord by baptism and two more were identified with this congregation. One of the women baptized was a former Catholic. In addition to the regular program of the church, plans are going forward to have group, weekly, Bible study in the homes, with outsiders being present, beginning in June. Today we had our largest attendance as well as our largest contribution in the two year history of the Lomita congregation. The church here recently purchased some lots with the idea in mind of erecting our own new meeting house in the future when they are paid for. (NOTE TO LARGE CONGREGATIONS .... After less than $2000 is paid in, this will clear one lot whereby we can borrow enough to build on it, while paying out the others. At present, we are meeting in a rented store building. Our total membership (35), most of which are pensioners, have sacrificed greatly in order to have made this progress. This congregation is worthy of any assistance you may be able to give it. For references, or further details, feel free to write the Elders, Church of Christ, Laurel and "E" Streets, Ontario, California, which for the past ten months has been assisting in the evangelization of the Lomita area.)"

Marvine Kelley, Del Rio, Texas, May 26: "I close my work with the Del Rio congregation between now and September 1st. This year with them saw 70 respond to the invitation, 36 baptisms and 34 restorations. During the year we have mailed 3000 radio sermons and have conducted a daily radio program. I conducted six meetings this year with a total of 45 responses. My last meeting was with the Ninth and Lime congregation in Riverside, California. Ten responded to the invitation there. My next meeting is with the congregation at Luling, Texas, starting June 3rd and continuing through the 12th. I am married and have three children. I shall be happy to correspond with anyone wanting to make a change in preachers this summer."

William R. Ward, Sr., 1021 Termino Ave., Long Beach 4, California, May 25: "The work here moves in a very fine way. We have had two to identify themselves and one baptism since our last report. I have tendered my resignation here with the East Long Beach congregation to become effective August 1st this year. I am free to locate with some other congregation. If such would desire my services, they may write me or the elders at the above address."

Julian P. Leathers, Oakwood, Texas, May 26: "The church at Oakwood desires to contact a preacher to work with them on a full-time basis. The congregation is small (about 35), but it is an old one. Oakwood is a small town of about 700 — a farming community in Leon County. There are five active, organized denominations here. Anyone desiring the above, or more information, may address the Church of Christ, Gen. Del., Oakwood, Texas."