The Overflow
Church Preference
Glenn Wallace of Burbank, California, sends us a record form from the Los Angeles County General Hospital, in which patients admitted to the hospital list their "Church preference." Brother Wallace called our attention to one patient who had listed a preference for the "High Priestess of the Church of the Lion of Judah with Seven Golden Umbrellas." You just can't hardly get them like that any more!
Certificates Of Cooperation
In the Memorial Church of Christ (Digressive) at Bethany, West Virginia, we saw in the vestibule the other day a beautifully embossed "Certificate of Cooperation" framed and hanging in a prominent place on the wall. It "certified" that this congregation was cooperating in certain activities of the denomination. How long till some of the Churches of Christ which are "among us" will be proudly displaying such certificates?
He Did Not Speak
This note is in answer to several letters we have received, with newspaper clippings enclosed, relative to that easter program in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, which listed George W. DeHoff as the principal speaker, along with various and assorted sectarian pastors as participants. Brother DeHoff did NOT appear on that program. His original agreement to speak was at the dedication of a new cemetery development. When the program committee turned the dedication into an Easter program, Brother DeHoff excused himself, and informed them that his appearance on the program would be taken by some as an endorsement of the Easter celebration, which he could not endorse. He did not speak.
"Church Of Christ"
"The stones cry out" to rebuke and give the lie to the claim of the digressives that the early Restoration congregations were known as "Christian Churches," and that the "Church of Christ" was a later appellation. In the old Bethany meeting house, where Alexander Campbell did much of his preaching, the huge stone imbedded in the bricks in the front of the building has this inscription, "Church of Christ, Bethany, 1831-1852."
Bethany College
In a recent visit to Bethany, West Virginia, we waited in the Bee Hive, student center for Bethany College, for half an hour or so while others of our party (about twenty-five young people from the Thayer Street Church in Akron, Ohio) were arriving. The Bee Hive was "swarming" with students of the college, most of whom were killing time between classes by playing cards. We saw six card games going at the same time. Practically every girl there was either in shorts or blue jeans, and the cigarette smoke from both boys and girls made the whole room hazy and foggy. The "Christian atmosphere" of the place came well-nigh being too much for one accustomed to the pure air of Texas. We like the sand and dust better.
She Had The Itch
Among the little known letters of Moses E. Lard is one he wrote to Mr. Bakewell, brother of the second Mrs. Alexander Campbell, in which he enquired concerning a certain ointment Mr. Bakewell had concocted. Brother Lard said in the letter that Sister Campbell had told him of her brother's new remedy for the getter" (Lard spelled it with one "t"), and since Mrs. Lard was suffering severely from the affliction, he was much interested in securing a supply. Apparently Sister Lard had the itch. (The letter, along with many others of great historical interest, is in a private collection, soon to be published.)
Thanks, Thanks!
A few months ago we asked for "1,000 letters" from brethren who would help us in preparing for the recent Tant-Harper debate. We do not know whether we got that many or not; we got so many we quit counting. We'd like to acknowledge each one, but there are too many. Since the debate we've had even a bigger volume of letters, scores of them coming from brethren who were not present, but who have seen a copy of our debate notes, "How New Testament Churches Can, and Can Not, Cooperate; Or, What Is Wrong With Herald of Truth?" One indication of the intense interest is that within less than three weeks after the debate, almost our entire stock of the above booklet (some 4,000 copies, in addition to the 1,000 we distributed during the Lufkin debate) had been exhausted!
Double Chin
Did you hear about the sister in the church who talked so much she developed a double chin? One chin was overworked and had to have help.
Last Words
That was the same lady whose husband died after a long lingering illness. The preacher asked the little boy, "And what were your father's last words?" "He didn't have any," said the boy. "Mama stayed right with him till the end."
Richmond, Virginia
This page is being prepared in Richmond, Virginia, where we are in the hospitable home of Brother John L. Nosker, and in the midst of a fine meeting with the Forest Hill church. Last week we visited one night each at Haynes Street in Dayton, W. Broad Street in Columbus, and the church in Bedford, all in Ohio; and one night with the Lynn Street church in Parkersburg, and the church in Moundsville, both in West Virginia. Our next meeting: Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee, May 15-22.
A Happy Man
While seeing the sights in Richmond, we remembered the humorous little story about General Robert E. Lee and Dr. Cutting, the army surgeon. Cutting was a handsome and dressy man, and stood for long periods before the mirror arranging his cravat, straightening his coat, or just plain admiring himself. One day Lee remarked, "Cutting, you must be the happiest man in creation, because you are in love with yourself, and have not a rival upon the face of the earth." Reminds us of a preacher or two we know!
As Others Saw It
Out of the numerous church bulletins that come our way, we pick these expressions from men who attended the Tant-Harper debate in Lufkin last month: "We were thrilled above measure because of the way the debate was conducted. We can assure you that brethren Tant and Harper acted like Christian gentlemen. Both were kind and considerate, each emphasizing that he loved his opponent and that there was no ill will or bad feeling." (Dyersburg, Tennessee.) "These Brethren (Tant and Harper) are to be commended for their attitude, and the spirit of brotherly kindness shown in the discussion." (Tucker-man, Arkansas)
Brother Luther W. Martin sends us a little clipping from the Fifth and Highland (Abilene) bulletin: "It has been suggested that when Jesus said, 'Behold I stand at the door and knock' he was not teaching by command, approved example, or necessary inference that we should stand at the church door after every service and knock on everything said and done during the services." Martin comments, "Could it be that such an idea (not taught by precept, example, or inference) is based upon the principle eternal?"
"Life And Times Of David Lipscomb"
From a letter to Earl West: "I have just finished 'The Life and Times of David Lipscomb' and I think you have done a splendid job. The church in this generation direly needs some Lipscomb-like conservatism." (Signed) Bill J. Humble, Kansas City, Missouri. This is a typical comment from those who read this outstanding book. Order from Gospel Guardian Company. The price is $4.00.