R. O. Kenley, Jr. and W. G. Coley, elders, 1303 Moberly Avenue, Longview, Texas, May 11: "Brother Dan F. Fogarty will terminate his work with us on Sunday, June 5th. The condition of Sister Fogarty's health is such, upon advice of the family Doctor, that Dan is discontinuing local work. Brother Fogarty and family will continue to reside in Longview and worship with us. Dan will be associated with the American Founders Life Insurance Company, Austin, Texas: but will be able to continue holding some Gospel meetings and preach on Sundays in this area for churches that do not have a regular minister. Dan will conclude his work with us after completing a meeting in Broken Bow, Oklahoma extending from May 30th through Saturday evening, June 4th. We will miss him in the work here for he is highly capable and of a pleasing personality. However, we consider ourselves very fortunate in that we have been able to secure the services of Brother Robert D. Bankes who will begin his work with us on Wednesday evening, July 20th. We consider Dan and Robert as two of the outstanding young men of the brotherhood and consider ourselves fortunate in having had Dan for approximately two and one-half years and our hopes and prayers are that we will have Robert for a much longer time. We request that you give this letter or pertinent parts thereof space in your paper."
Plato Black, Box 529, Vivian, La., May 4: "Six have responded to the invitation within the past two weeks. Four were baptized, one was restored and was identified with the church. We are well into the second year with the church here in Vivian. The Elders seem to think that the church is doing better than it has done in a number of years. When I came here we were having (70) for Bible study. Last Sunday we had (140) for Bible study. The contribution has doubled. The church has only been in the new building two years. The elders are talking about building new class rooms. I will start a meeting at Ridgeway, Ark. on May the 22nd. In August I will go to Alabama for some meetings. I have time for another meeting or two the first part of August."
Malcolm Bowen, 318 South Grand Avenue, Okmulgee, Oklahoma, May 11: "The church in Okmulgee made a new record in attendance and finance during the month of April. Both the Bible school and worship services are the best in the history of the congregation. We have just finished our preparation for our Daily Vacation Bible school. Our teachers make their own lesson plans under my directions. The teachers training course lasts for 16 weeks. We are making preparations now to equip our class rooms with refrigerated air conditioning. Brother Curtis Camp preached in our spring meeting. Brother Paul Matthews will be here in September and Brother Rue Porter in December. Our radio program and gospel article in our daily paper continues to be well received. I will begin my fourth year with this congregation in September. It is a pleasure to work with the elders of Okmulgee.