Fame And Honor
The following appeared in the Millennial Harbinger, January, 1832.
The Herald Of Fame; Or How To Obtain Honors
Whereas it appears from our own observation, and from all past history, that in the literary, political, and religious world, they who flatter the prejudices and pamper the passions of mankind, and are liberal in eulogizing the popular men and popular measures receive and enjoy the highest fame and the largest mede of praise; and whereas we ourselves, all religious men, are solicitous to possess the largest share of human applause for our own interest and pleasure; and believing that all ends are to be attained by proper means, we, the more certainly to secure to ourselves and to our friends these enviable distinctions, do agree to federate and cooperate under the following
Articles Of Association
I. We shall sustain every press and every preacher who sustains us; and the more effectively to secure the objects of our own association we shall have our own presses and preachers to aid, and to cooperate with, every preacher and press favorable to our views and objects.
II. Our principal publication shall be entitled the "Herald of Fame," and our creed shall be that most in accordance with the majority of the communities in which we reside.
III. It shall be the duty of our Editors to show forth the excellency and utility of every benevolent scheme in our part of christendom; and to emblazon and extol all associations — Bible, Tract, Missionary, Education, Temperance, Abstinence, and each and every other association which may take with the people under any plausible pretence; to represent these combinations as the heralds of the millennial glory of the church.
IV. It shall also be the duty of our Editors to collect and publish all anecdotes favorable to our enterprises; and in case of the paucity of these auxiliaries, they must invent and publish such as will secure the approbation of men to our benevolent institutions.
V. Our Editors shall take special care to publish at proper intervals, and with all imposing conspicuity, the most distinguished contributors to these projects, and to set forth, in the most glowing colors, the accomplishments and elevated attainments of all the prominent actors in this golden drama, and to defend us against each and every attack that might expose our craft or deprive us of any portion of our reward.
VI. Our prominent Managers, Presidents, Secretaries, and Treasurers shall be chosen to office wholly with regard to their wealth, high standing, and reputation in this present world. No man, though spotless as Job, or as holy as Elijah, shall ever become President, Manager, or Director, if he be either poor or obscure. But by calling the wise, the noble, the wealthy, and the great men of this world to manage our affairs, we shall secure more respect, more fame, and more of the most essential of all things to success — pious donations.
VII. In enrolling the names of contributors, and in publishing the charities of our friends, the rule shall be (except in such eases as profound policy may make a deviation commendable) to place at the head of the list the largest contributor. In the "Herald of Fame" the virtues and attainments, real and imaginary, of all our prominent friends, whether as managers or contributors, shall be duly set forth, that their example may become more useful to our cause.
VIII. Our preachers shall evince a great regard for the good book, but must always draw from it such doctrine as suit the prevailing sentiments of our friends.
IX. Our presses and our preachers shall always be devoted to the Colleges and Theological Schools; and whenever any College confers any degrees upon our preachers, it shall be the duty of that preacher ever afterwards to build up that College by inducing all under his influence to send their sons and wards to it. Our papers, too, shall eulogize its Faculty and the incomparable attainments of its President; but this must be done in all prudence, and as suggested by our censors of the press.
X. In getting up revivals all means popular shall be adopted. Camp meetings, mourning benches, anxious seats, Christ's and the Devil's pews, shall all be employed as far as convenient. And while we may borrow helps from those better skilled than we in working up human passions, let us take care of the converts, and pay our allies in praise.
XI. The "Herald of Fame" and every member of our society shall always proceed upon the principle that fame is the summum bonum; and that to be praised we must praise, especially those whose praise can most promote Our own.
XII. W_T_B____, D.D. Honorable______ L.L.D., Major General_______ and_______ Esq. are appointed a committee to solicit subscribers to our constitution and to our organ the "Herald of Fame."
Done at our first meeting, Philadelphia, January 2, 1832.
T. Purr, Secretary
Any similarities to present day personages, institutions, publications, schemes, combines and projects must surely be coincidental, and the analogous thinking of brethren should not be radically turned in the direction of any particular municipality or center.