Preacher Wanted
The Church of Christ at Pine Castle, Florida, located four miles south of Orlando, is desirous of securing a faithful minister to labor with us. We prefer a man who has had a considerable amount of experience as a preacher of the gospel. Those desiring more information call or write Roy W. Beasley, 447 South New York Avenue, Winter Park, Florida, Phone 3-6022."
James H. Paul, Hurst, Texas, Feb. 6: "Starting Monday, February 27, Tuesday 28, and Thursday, March 1 through Friday, March 2 there will be a debate between Brother Andrew M. Connally, evangelist at Hurst church, and Mr. Fred Harris, pastor of Temple Baptist Church of Arlington, Texas. This Baptist Church is a member of the Southern Association. Location for the debate will be Abram Street Church of Christ, 211 E. Abram, Arlington, Texas. Proposition: (1) Baptism is for, in order to, the remission of past or alien sins. (2) Baptism is for those who have already been saved. (3) A child of God can so sin as to be eternally lost. (4) The conduct of the child of God is not the determining factor in his soul salvation. Brother Thomas B. Warren will be the moderator for Brother Connally."
James W. Medlin, 4020 Alabama Street. San Diego, California, Feb. 20: "There have been fourteen baptized, twelve to confess wrongs and six to identify themselves in East San Diego since last report. The work continues to grow steadily with attendance good and a fine number visitors. We are anticipating a gospel meeting in the near future. Anyone interested in preaching in this meeting please contact the writer. We are thankful to God for the many fine articles in the Guardian helping to open the eyes of the brotherhood to the institutional monster."
Church Purchases Property
B. Hall Davis, 425 E. End Ave., Baton Rouge 6, Louisiana, Feb. 15: "The Church of Christ of North Baton Rouge, Louisiana, now meeting at 1919 Plank Rd., has purchased a lot located at the corner of East Brookstown and Heidel Avenue. Plans for a building are in preparation and we hope to have our building completed in time for our spring meeting, in which Brother Jesse M. Kelley of Lafayette, Louisiana, will do the preaching. We continue to grow. One elderly man was baptized last Lord's day and our attendance has doubled since starting six months ago. Surely, the Lord has smiled on our efforts and we ask the prayers of Christians everywhere that we will continue to make progress in the Lord's work always giving the glory and praise to God."
William R. Ward, Sr., 120 N. Mt. Vernon Ave., Prescott, Arizona, Feb. 16: "The Prescott work is coming along splendidly with one baptism and one placing membership lately."
Jesse F. Wiseman, 1449 Brown St., Akron 1, Ohio, Feb. 24: "Since January 15th seven have been baptized into Christ, one restored and two have placed membership at the Brown Street church. Brother Franklin T. Puckett of Tampa, Florida will be with us in a gospel meeting April 15th to 22nd. I am to assist the church at McPherson, Kansas in a meeting March 18th to 28th."
Tom Silva, 1507 Yellowstone, Billings, Montana: "My work with the 10th and Alderson congregation in Billings, Montana began January 1st of this year. As this city is expanding rapidly, there are no doubt many Christians here who are out of duty. If anyone knows of Christians residing here, please send me their names and addresses."
James O. Wilburn, 511 W. Harrison, Lebanon, Oregon, Feb. 13: "The meeting here with W. E. Irvine preaching resulted in eleven confessions of wrongs and two baptisms. Charles Boshart directed the singing. Choice Bryant will help us in a meeting the last of April."
Gene Martin, Box 868, Brenham, Texas: "Two adults have been baptized this month. The church here is exceedingly fortunate to have secured the services of Roy E. Cogdill for a meeting April 2 thru 8. We look forward to a week of diligent study and good fellowship. Those in our vicinity who wish to share with us the excellent sermons so ably presented by this worthy minister of the gospel are most cordially invited to attend each service. Recently we purchased a corner lot adjoining our property; a new meeting house will be erected when finances permit."