"I Had To Force Them To Go!"
"I am really in a quandary: the children can't wait to go to 'your Sunday school' and I used to have to practically force them to go to the Church of England school." These are the comments of an Australian mother to Brother Rodney Wald of the church of Christ, in Warner's Bay, N. S. W., Australia. Her children are a part of the thirty to thirty-five children who attend the growing Bible classes of the Warner's Bay congregation. Their attitude is typical of all the other students.
On the last Sunday of August, 1955, the church met in its new building for the first time. There were 23 present the first day and attendance has consistently climbed until an average of thirty has been reached. Their new building has already become inadequate and negotiations are under way with a contractor to build another section twice as large as the first giving them a building 24 x 36 feet. Brother Wald states that he expects the attendance to continue to grow as the children spread the word of the Bible classes. This new addition will cost approximately $1,500.00, although more will be needed to equip, furnish, and do the finishing of the inside, to make it usable for classes and regular services.
Brother and Sister Bob Jefferson and Brother Wald compose the congregation at the present time. With some help from brethren in the United States they have their present building and property free of debt. Much of their own personal money has been put into the building, with Brother Wald giving his life's savings which he had saved to buy some means of transportation. Their hopes are to have a gospel mission (gospel meeting) the last of January with Brother T. Tarbett, Melbourne missionary, preaching. They are badly in need of some financial assistance for both the building and the meeting.
These fine people in Warner's Bay deserve your prayers and financial aid. Will you not consider them as you plan your expenditures for the Lord in 1956. You may send contributions to the Warner's Bay church of Christ, c/o Rodney Wald, 70 Teralba Road, Adamstown, N.S.W., Australia. For further information concerning the work in Australia you may write to Brother Wald or to the Elders, 41st Street church of Christ, 2302 W. 41st Street, Tulsa 7, Oklahoma.