The Overflow
Lubbock debate?
Brother W. Curtis Porter and Brother Guy N. Woods have both been invited by the Caprock Church in Lubbock, Texas, to debate the orphan home issue in the city of Lubbock. Brother Porter has accepted the invitation. We will give further information as it comes to us. As of now we are not informed as to whether Brother Woods has accepted or not.
San Antonio debate
The elders of Highland Boulevard Aura in San Antonio have asked some of the "sponsoring churches" in that city to endorse a man to meet Cecil B, Douthitt in debate at Highland Boulevard. It was their hope that some congregation would endorse Roy Lanier for this discussion. At this writing no church in San Antonio has been willing to endorse Lanier for such a discussion. As soon as it becomes evident that none of the "centralized control" brethren will meet Brother Douthitt in San Antonio, the time will be set for the Tant-Harper discussion there. This debate has already been agreed to between Tant and Harper. If the Douthitt-Lanier debate materializes, The Tant-Harper debate will be moved to some other city; otherwise it will take place in San Antonio some time this year.
Purgatorial indulgences
Frederick the Wise, elector of Saxony, Martin Luther's prince, was a great collector of relics and holy objects. Among the prized possessions in the Castle Church at Wittenberg were: a genuine thorn from the crown of Christ, one tooth of St. Jerome; four hairs from the head of the virgin Mary, three pieces of her cloak, four from her girdle; seven pieces from the veil sprinkled with Christ's blood; one wisp of straw from the manger in which Christ was born; one of the nails from the cross; one piece of bread used in the Last Simper; one twig from Moses' burning bush. Those who viewed these relics (nearly 20,000 objects in all) on the designated days and made the stipulated contributions might receive from the pope indulgences for the reduction of purgatory, either for themselves or for others, to the extent of 1,902,202 years and 270 days!
Martin Luther and Rome
"Three things are sold in Rome: Christ, the priesthood, and women. Three things are hateful to Rome: a general council, the reformation of the church, and the opening of German eyes. Three ill's I pray for Rome: pestilence, famine, and war. This be my trinity." — Martin Luther, "The Roman Trinity"
Evangelist — scriptural (?) style
A gospel preacher of unquestionable integrity declares to us on his honor that he knows this to be true: A certain preacher in western Canada came under the influence of Brother Leroy Garrett's teaching to such a degree that he decided he could not conscientiously be a "located preacher" preaching for the little congregation in the town where he lives. He, therefore, moved his residence twelve or fourteen miles to another town, from whence he could in all good conscience be a "traveling evangelist" to come back to the town he had lately vacated and every Sunday preach for the same group he had been serving! We opine he misunderstood Leroy — and we know he and Leroy both misunderstand the scriptures .... at least on this "evangelist" business.
Children available
During the Porter-Woods debate in Indianapolis, Brother Guy N. Woods revealed that the Lubbock Children's Home at Lubbock, Texas, is now seeking to find suitable Christian homes for the children they have under their care. Interested parties are asked to write Brother John B. White, Superintendent of the Lubbock Children's Home, in care of the Broadway Church of Christ. Perhaps the good brethren at Lubbock have determined to lead the way in solving this vexatious "institutional orphan home" problem. If Christian families will take all the children from that institution, thus relieving the Broadway church of its burden, perhaps this will set a good example which other institutions will follow. Assuming the correctness of Brother Woods' announcement, we commend Brother White and the brethren at Lubbock for this wise and Christian action in seeking to put these unfortunate children into Christian homes, rather than keeping them shut up in an institution.
Unknown by name
Paul said that at one time he was "unknown by face" to the churches in Judea. Well, we claim the distinction of being "unknown by name" to brethren far and wide. One of the business houses here in Lufkin habitually addresses mail to "Fannie Yater Tant." But in the same mail one day last week came also letters addressed to "Foy Yater Tant" and to "Flavil Yater Tant." We wonder if Tolbert Fanning Yater, the uncle for whom this writer was named, had the same problem?
Life of Lipscomb
"I have just concluded reading the Life and Times of David Lipscomb." It makes me regret that I did not sacrifice something and buy it sooner. Not only is the manner of writing excellent and very interesting, but the complete display of principles for which Brother Lipscomb stood so firmly and so ably should be proof to all of us today that, though our struggle is not a new one, it is a worthy one and a necessary one. I could only wish that every gospel preacher would read the book soon." (Leslie Diestelkamp, Brookfield, Illinois.) Order from the Gospel Guardian Company. Price $4.
From Obert Henderson, Pullman, Washington, comes this note: One of the brethren at Longview, Washington, walked into a restaurant a few days ago, and stopped a moment to chat with an acquaintance of his, a Lutheran. Said the Lutheran, "Say, I heard a good sermon from your headquarters down at Abilene, Texas, the other day." No comment.
Playing church
We have seen this in three or four church bulletins already, each one attributing it to a different source. So we will just pass it on with the note that it is not original: A man
came home and saw his children and others on the front steps. He asked what they were doing. "We're playing church," they answered. The father was puzzled, and inquired further. He was told, "Well, we have already sung, and prayed, and preached, and now we're outside on the steps smoking."
A priest and a rabbi attended a big banquet. Both were enjoying themselves, when a huge ham was passed around. The priest turned to the rabbi and asked, "Rabbi Cohen, when are you going to become liberal enough to eat ham?" The rabbi smiled and answered quickly, "At your wedding, Father O'Brien."
Too tight
Brethren in Texas are chuckling over this story that is going the rounds. A very pompous elder in one of the biggest "sponsoring" churches in Texas was struggling with a shirt freshly back from the laundry. "The laundry must have made a mistake," he complained to his wife. "This shirt is so tight I can hardly breathe; it can't be my shirt." "Oh, it's yours all right," his wife said. "But you've got your head through a buttonhole."
Correcting false impression
Due to the unfortunate wording in a statement recently published in the Gospel Advocate many people have received the impression that the new Caprock church in Lubbock is not in fellowship with the College Avenue congregation of that city. A letter to the editor of the Gospel Guardian from Brother O. C. Horne, an elder at College Avenue, calls particular attention to the fact that there has been no withdrawal of fellowship. Any impression to the contrary is in error, and in justice to both College Avenue church and the Caprock church we are glad to make this correction.