Well Stated Truth
Recently, The Birmingham News (Alabama) carried write-ups from different religious groups, under the heading, "Our Freedom to Believe." Jack Meyer, Sr. and Maurice Howell authored the articles from the church. In part they wrote as follows:
"When tares were seen it was proof positive a different seed had been sown. When the wheat seed was sown it was proof positive that only wheat could be produced. When the gospel of Christ is preached it is proof positive that only a church of Christ will be produced. When strange and various organizations are seen it is proof positive that strange and various doctrines have been taught."
I thoroughly agree with that statement. I don't think any organization should be accepted or produced by the followers of Christ that cannot be produced by preaching the gospel. I believe this will apply in the cases of the United Christian Missionary Society, Epworth League, Ladies' Aid, etc. I believe it will apply even if a Sunday School with a separate organization, separate treasury, etc. were set up within or among congregations. In this I think there is unanimity of mind among most churches of Christ. Brethren Howell and Meyer did a fine piece of work in the two articles. They should be a great help in getting before the people who read The News the true teachings of the Gospel.