Doctrinal Discourses
"Doctrinal Discourses", in my judgment, is one of the most valuable collections of articles published. I predict that it will take its place, in the esteem of sound brethren, alongside such works as Brent's "Gospel Plan of Salvation", Srygley's "-New Testament Church" and Wallace's "God's Prophetic Word." That it will have wide circulation among the "seven thousand — which have not bowed unto Baal" is a thing to be confidently expected. That it will be found in the library of every preacher who claims to be a member of the church of Christ is not to be expected. The appetite for sectarian productions, evidenced by the prominent place which such productions occupy in some libraries, discourages hope for a very large circulation among such. Neither can we expect the book to be eagerly sought by those who worship at the shrine of worldly wisdom, adoring the writings of Ph.D.'s but holding in contempt the writings of the "pioneers". That type person who prefers copying error from modernistic scholars to quoting truth from Bible believing brethren will not have much use for the book, "Doctrinal Discourses."
The compiler of the book evidently didn't think that the book required an introductory recitation of the scholarly attainments of Bro. Whiteside. In this she was correct "Doctrinal Discourses" needs no such crutch, it can stand alone.
"The articles herein, some lifted from various religious journals (some no longer in existence) and some manuscripts unpublished, cover a period of time from the 1890's to late in the year 1950". Publisher's preface. These articles were written over a period of nearly sixty years. How startled some present day innovationists would be if they were to condescend to read what Bro. Whiteside wrote forty and fifty years ago against these "new" ideas, plans and phrases. Get the book right now and read the last paragraph on page 18. You will be interested in reading what Bro. Whiteside was saying thirty-five years ago in the Gospel Advocate, on the college question. Don't miss the article on "A Good Mixer." On page 43 you will read "The best guide I know of in Bible study is common sense and an earnest desire to know the will of God." Emphasis needs to be placed on "an earnest desire to know the will of God." Some of the subjects discussed are, "The Holy Spirit," "Some Old Doctrines," "Faith," etc. These writings collected into this book cover a much greater field of subjects than any other collection written by brethren with which I am familiar.
The "Anvil Sparks" feature is "chock full" of wise observations. Several of these terse quotes are placed at the end of each chapter. Here are some samples to whet your appetite. "It is hard to find a scriptural way to do an unscriptural thing". "Some men use the church to further their own interests; others use themselves for the glory of the church". "A good mixer sometimes mixes up a terrible mess". "Any preacher likes to have friends, but when friendship degenerates into worship, trouble begins". "It is not exactly accurate to speak of it as 'the rule or ruin spirit'; for that kind of spirit usually rules and ruins". "Some folks have more of their think-so's than of the Lord's say-so's in their religion" etc.
If you fail to buy and study the book you are the loser. I have read "Doctrinal Discourses" eagerly and gratefully and now look forward, with keen anticipation, to the book on the pre-millennial heresy which the daughter, Sister Inys Whiteside, plans to publish soon.