Red Letter Day For Australian Church
Sunday was a red letter day for the church in Adamstown, N. S. W. Australia. The church of the Lord met for the first service in their new building on July 31. The three members of the congregation saw the fruition of many hours of hard work and prayer when 23 were present for their children's Bible classes. On August 7, there were 28 present with only three of the original number absent. The prospects for even more in attendance are excellent, and it is hoped before long that as many adults will be present. The outlook is bright and the brethren have taken a "new lease" on life. Pray for this fine young congregation as they struggle to plant the church of the Lord in this section of Australia.
The new building was built by contract and the contractor required a cash settlement on completion of the building. The total cost of the building will be close to $1,000.00. This would be the equivalent of a much greater expenditure in this country. Brother Rodney Wald, their American gospel preacher, paid for the building out of his personal savings account. He depleted the funds he had saved over a long period of time. It was his plan to buy an automobile to use in his work, as he badly needs some means of transportation. It is hoped that interested brethren will repay Brother Wald every cent of his transportation fund. He has to depend upon public transportation (which is very poor) or walk wherever he goes. A good used automobile will cost around $2,000.00.
The building is 12 by 24 feet and is of frame construction built in accordance with local building codes. It is not completed yet, as much work is to be done finishing the inside and doing electrical and plumbing work. They intend to do this work themselves, as well as build their own seats and pulpit. Their lot is in a new housing development and in an excellent location. Already the prospects point to necessity of a larger building. A beautiful brick building large enough to accommodate the congregation for a few years can be constructed for about $5,000.00.
The community surrounding the church is known as Warner's Bay and is a sub-division of Newcastle as in Adamstown. It is composed of Australian, Yugoslavian, German, Austrian, and Scotch families. Many of these "New Australians" have just arrived from their native lands, and are not settled into a decadent condition. It is a wonderful opportunity for the brethren to be in the community and be ready to grow with the city.
In addition to your prayers and financial help, they would appreciate letters of encouragement. If you have gospel tracts or other aids in spreading the word, they will appreciate them, also.
Please send your letters of encouragement and contributions to Brother Rodney Wald, 70 Teralba Road, Adamstown, N.S.W., Australia. You may send personal checks, cashier's checks or international money orders.
Further information can be obtained by writing Brother Wald or M. T. Bishop, 41st St. church of Christ, Tulsa 7, Oklahoma. We would be glad to come to the congregation and present a history and report of the work. If you are interested in hearing of the Australian work, please write the Elders, 41st St. church of Christ, 2302 West 41st St., Tulsa 7, Oklahoma.