James E. Cooper, Valley Station, Kentucky, Aug. 23: "One was baptized here July 24, and one was baptized and one identified on August 21. Good crowds attended the tent meeting at Kosmosdale which the church here conducted August 8-19. Several visitors attended, but otherwise there were no visible results. B. G. Hope will preach in our meeting, September 5-16. The church will build a house for the preacher shortly."
Forrest Darrel Moyer, 500 Adrain Way, San Rafael, California, Aug. 20: "During the past week two have been baptized and one restored. Our meeting with Bill Irvine is to begin soon. I have accepted work with the church in Napa, California, and will begin there in September. I have enjoyed working with this congregation and its elders. They are sound in the faith and there is perfect peace and harmony. Douglas Qualls of Hugh-son, California has been selected by the elders here to succeed me. After September 1, please observe that my address will be 2501 Pine Street, Napa, California."
W. E. Fortney, 162 Harrison Street, Clarksburg, West Virginia, Aug. 24: "The meeting at Crum Ridge, Ohio was successful. Nine precious souls were baptized into Christ. Every service was well attended. I shall serve these brethren again in 1959, the Lord willing."
F. B. Shepherd, 1925 Makiki St., Honolulu 14, Hawaii, Aug. 26: "If our plans can be carried out we shall have another worker on `Oahu' within the next sixty days. This will permit us to greatly expand our activities in evangelizing Hawaii. Twelve have already been baptized in the new house of worship. The meeting with Brother Homer Hailey preaching was better attended than many I have worked in on the Mainland. This in spite of the fact our few members are scattered all over the island. Our Service people are very loyal and cooperative. The local members are magnificent in their loyalty to the Cause of our Lord. It is very interesting and refreshing to work with Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Portuguese, Hawaiians, Mexicans, Negroes, and Caucasians — all in the same congregation."
C. D. Plum, 3372 Camp Chase Dr., Columbus 4, Ohio, Aug. 20: "August 8-14 at Jackson Ridge, Ohio two restored. Charles L. Plum, my son, preached here in my absence on the 14th. One baptized and one restored. The 3361 W. Broad Street church will support me in the new work at Whitehall (suburb of Columbus) which now meets in the Town Hall, Barnett Road and East Main, Route 40. Whitehall will care for my living accommodations. Change to take place this fall. Brother Arthur Atkinson will succeed me here."
Luther Blackmon, 4307 Heite, Houston, Texas, Aug. 22: "In a meeting at Bronte, Texas. My itinerary for the balance of the year is as follows: Sinton, Texas; Rockdale, Texas; Noblesville, Indiana; Kingsville, Texas; Port Arthur (DeQueen), Texas; Tucson, Arizona; Reno, Nevada in that order."
Guy W. Sims, Jr., Rt. 1, Box 293A, Hoxie, Arkansas, Aug. 22: "The church in Hoxie is making progress. Attendance and contributions are on the increase. We have had five baptisms recently and a number restored to their first love. I begin a 10-nights meeting at the Mid-West congregation in Chicago, Illinois, September 5."
R. C. Copeland, Jr., P. O. Box 416, Spur, Texas, Aug. 22: "I was in a meeting at White Rock, Arkansas, from August 9 through 16. The program at Spur schedules a meeting in October with Robert LaCroix preaching and a winter lectureship during the first part of December."
Joseph P. Waddell, 305 S. West St., Bainbridge, Georgia, Aug. 21: "As a result of Bible studies 12 souls have been added to the Lord in a small farm community 18 miles from Bainbridge. Services are held each Lord's Day in a brothers home. A meeting house is desperately needed. We have over $800 in the treasury and believe a small but adequate structure can be erected for $3,500. Any donations or loans would be greatly appreciated. These brethren are very poor with large families and it would be years before a building could be built unless help is received. This is a good work brethren, won't you please help. Make checks payable to Church of Christ and send c/o J. P. Waddell, Bainbridge, Georgia."
Guthrie Dean, 302 California, Ruston, Louisiana: "After laboring one year with the brethren at Malvern, Arkansas we are moving to Ruston, Louisiana to take up the work there. Ruston is the home of Louisiana Tech and is situated on the famous Highway 80. If you are ever through Ruston come by to see us. Pray for the work at Malvern and pray for our labors here."
Robert A. Bolton, 1720 College St., Greenville, Texas, Aug. 23: "July 24 marked the beginning of the new Southside congregation here in Greenville. The building is located just west of the intersection of the Dallas and Terrell highways and we began the work with approximately 100 members who came from both the Johnson Street and Walnut Street congregations in the city. A more zealous, interested, and hard working group of Christians I have never seen, and I consider it a rare privilege to have been invited to labor with them as evangelist. All correspondents please note our new address."