The Overflow
Which reminds us that on at least two occasions we've been handed a check by the church treasurer with the comment, "We want to give you a little remuneration for your work with us." We took it!
Broaddus, Texas
These lines are being written in Broaddus, Texas, in the front room of the home of Brother Sam Beard — the room which has been the dwelling place of gospel preachers for nearly a half century as they have come to this small East Texas town to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. The editor's own father once occupied this room; so did J. W. Chism, G. A. Dunn, and many another stalwart of days gone by. This is the town where J. D. Tant held a meeting in 1934, sent in a report of it to one of the gospel journals — and the report was published about 1946, five years after Tant's death. The report wasn't very complimentary, and some of the Broaddus brethren got worked up over it; but there wasn't much they could do about it!
Of Certain Preachers
We heard one the other day that reminded us of the French wit's definition of an orator: "one who makes up in length what he lacks in depth."
Unfortunate Circumstances
That reminds us of the preacher who was asked to pass his comments on one of the "big" preachers among us who had recently closed a meeting in his home town. "Well," said the preacher, "I'm hardly in a proper position to say how good he is, as I heard him preach under most trying and unfortunate circumstances — I was awake during the whole of his sermon."
Pentecostal Powerhouse
Brother Derrel Starling of Tularosa, New Mexico, sends us a newspaper clipping describing a new church building erected by a one-armed man named Gafford. Rebelling against the "money-mindedness" of all the churches he knew, Gafford decided to build his own church, and have a ruling, "no collections." He did. Now he has a house built, but no congregation to meet there as yet. Name of his new church? "The Pentecostal Powerhouse." We figure that "no collections" gimmick ought to fill the house soon. Then they'll have to enlarge. And who will pay for it?
Only Three Kinds
Some of the brethren have been saying they don't want to use any of the preachers who are prominent "on either side" of the present controversial issues before the church. Well, they might as well face the facts; they will have to choose between three groups of preachers, (1) those who preach the truth, (2) those who 'preach error, (3) those who say they are "neutral." This latter class is divided into three groups — those who have not studied the question, hence are not competent to teach anybody; those who know the truth, but are too cowardly to teach it for fear they will be "quarantined"; and those who believe error, but also are too cowardly to teach it, not being real sure yet "which way the wind is blowing."
For The Ladies
Down Texas way there is a story going the rounds about a druggist who met an old customer on the street and asked, "Well, Tom, did that mudpack I suggested improve your wife's appearance?" "It did for a couple of days," replied Tom mournfully, "but then it wore off."
Signs Of The Times
We know a community in central Texas where an elder in the church is an "all-out" institutional man. Recently this elder and his family (he has two sons who preach) got "pouty" because the congregation was not supporting Boles Home, and they started visiting around to other congregations in the area. Being waited upon by several brethren from their home church they finally agreed to come back IF the congregation would put Boles Home in their budget!
San Pedro, California
For the past year Bill Decker has been doing graduate work at the University of California and working with the church at San Pedro. The little congregation at San Pedro (about fifty members) has a nice building and a comfortable home for the preacher to live in. They feel they are now able to support a man for full time in this industrial, strongly Roman Catholic center. This is mainly a fishing community and industrial area. Anybody interested? Write to H. L. Mayes, 1321 W. 13th Street, San Pedro, California; or to Bill Decker, 1370 W. 26th Place, San Pedro.
The Abilene Debate
From all over the nation brethren are writing us of their plans to attend the Tant-Harper discussion in Abilene scheduled to begin November 28. Several have expressed fears they may not find accommodations in Abilene. This is to allay any uneasiness that may have been felt along that line. Abilene is far better equipped to handle the crowd that will come there than was Lufkin to handle the visitors who came to the first discussion. And we believe the Highland brethren plan to get the City auditorium which seats perhaps 3,500 people for the sessions. This will probably afford sufficient space for all who come.
Spanish Publications
We've had several inquiries as to where one might find good literature in Spanish. Elsewhere in this issue we carry an advertisement from Wayne Partain which will give the desired information. If any of our readers desire to get Bibles in Spanish, they may be ordered from Bible Society, 2233 Bryan Street, Dallas, Texas. They have an excellent Morocco covered Bible that sells for slightly over $5.00.
Texas Banner Church Of God
Riding through Oklahoma with Roy Cogdill three weeks ago, we saw this big sign: "Texas Banner Church of God." Which is about as sensible as a Roman Catholic Church in America, or a Southern Presbyterian Church in China or an Antioch Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Big Wheel
Proverb: "Blessed is the gospel preacher that argueth in circles relative to congregational cooperation. Verily, he shall soon be recognized as a big wheel." The proverb is not original; the adaptation is.
Her Name Was Written There
From Brother Howard See of Berea, Kentucky, comes this chuckle-some paragraph: "You might be interested in this one I recently heard about. A lady who is a member of the Lord's body moved to the mountains of Lee County, Kentucky. Not finding a congregation of Christians there, and having no means of travel, she sent her membership (?) to a large congregation in Nashville, Tennessee. The congregation accepted her membership, and now she is worshipping each Sunday via radio."