Browsing Through Old Papers
Policy of The Gospel Advocate: Its Attitude Toward Other Papers — "The Gospel Advocate recognizes the right of other brethren to edit and publish other papers; they have the same right to exist that the Advocate has, and must stand on their own responsibility to God and the public. The Advocate maintains a courteous and respectful attitude toward other papers in the brotherhood; it recognizes the field in which they operate and sees good that can be done in the respective fields; hence, it encourages all good that may be done." — The Committee, Gospel Advocate, page 220, 1939.
Discussion of Issues: "Some 'weeks ago this announcement was made in our columns: 'It has ever been the policy of the Gospel Advocate to discuss freely and courageously any issue that may arise that affects the church of our Lord, Bible truth, and Christian living. It stands foursquare for the propagation of truth that pertains to the redemption of man. The discussion of issues must be dignified and edifying. It will not let its columns be filled with wrangling and the disputing about questions of no profit. Bitter and offensive personalities are not to be found in its columns. The editor is given the right to blue-pencil all slurs, insinuations, and innuendoes. (Hmmm-WEW.) Both sides of an issue may be discussed freely and fully so long as the discussion is profitable to the readers. The editor is granted, and will exercise, authority in stopping any discussion.' All questions should be discussed on their own merits. Personal feelings and animosities have no place in honorable controversy. In fact, the use of objectionable methods in some discussions has brought about a general condemnation of all discussions. This is not fair and right. But it is true, nevertheless. Honorable and dignified controversy has done much to expose and defeat error and to reveal and advance truth. In closing discussion in our columns, it may sometimes seem that an injustice is done some way; but certainly such is not intended. The Advocate cannot be an arbiter in church troubles. Matters of this kind are local in nature and should be settled locally. We see no good to be accomplished by thrusting upon the brotherhood a church scandal." — B. C. Goodpasture, Gospel Advocate, June 1, 1939. (The last two lines should have been brought to the editor's attention during the summer and fall of 1951 — WEW.)
John T. Hinds Speaking: "The Gospel Advocate insists with all the emphasis in its power that no man has any right to misstate either his own position or that of another." — Gospel Advocate, May 28, 1936. (Paging Guy N. Woods — WEW.)
Tendencies: "We must consider tendencies. If somebody did not look ahead and visualize the end of present tendencies, we would forever be heading into trouble. It seems like a small thing if a church holds a vesper service or stages a young people's revival. Many are inclined to dismiss the criticism of such acts as quibbling, the evidence of an overcritical disposition. If errors were solitary; if evil were not contagious; if we could be assured that it would never happen again; if there were no indications that the field is ripe for the spread of such practices; if one could utterly ignore human nature, it might be passed over lightly or left unnoticed. But anybody conversant with religious history must have a profound respect for tendencies, both good and bad, especially bad." — W. E. Brightwell, Gospel Advocate, July 23, 1936.
"Sommerism": "The clumsy effort to scare us and confuse the brethren with the bogey-mark of `Sommerism' is both thin and silly. Brewer 'bluff,' Totty 'bluff,' Hardeman 'bluff' or what have you, it won't affect anybody favorably who has a brain cell working. 'But the Sommerites have always flocked to Wallace' according to Brother Totty. That might be classified as 'lugubrious howling.' Besides what else is wrong with the statement it is false. Because the `Sommerites have always flocked to Wallace' Brother Totty thinks the churches ought to put the colleges in their budgets. He is a debater you know and admits it." — Cled E. Wallace, Bible Banner, October, 1947.
Not only a WEW But A WOW! "This is a letter I have had in my system since the latter part of last October. First, you are to be congratulated on getting out such a fine paper. Long live the Guardian! Second, here is my check for one year's subscription. I hope you can send me the November and December issues, as well as the January issue. Third, you ought to keep a good supply on hand for binding purposes. Urge your readers to have the paper bound. Fifty years from now some poor fellow may be ransacking old book stalls garrets, like I am, in quest of 'Pioneer' literature. A volume of the Guardian would be a choice find in 1986." — B. C. Good-pasture, Gospel Guardian, February, 1936, page 32.
J. M. Powell Too: "The brethren in Louisville are certainly pleased with the Guardian — or perhaps I should have said some of the brethren are pleased." — Gospel Guardian, December, 1934.