Louis J. Sharp, Little Rock, Arkansas, June 13: "We closed our gospel meeting yesterday in which J. F. Doggett did the preaching. We had the very best meeting we have conducted. Brother Doggett preaches the truth without compromise or favor. One was restored. We conducted our first Vacation Bible School and enrolled 182 pupils in a five day school. We are much encouraged in the work of the East Side congregation. We hope to move to our new building some time in October of this year. When in Little Rock, visit with us."
C. D. Plum, 3372 Camp Chase Dr., Columbus 4, Ohio, June 8: "Moundsville, West Virginia meeting fine. Five baptized and four restored. Brother Jess Nutter labors faithfully there. Here at 3361 W. Broad St. (Route 40) home forces baptized another in my absence. This good church sent additional compensation to all gospel preachers who labored here during our lean years. Recently hundreds of dollars have been spent in needy fields and in charity. A garage has also been erected so the 'next' preacher's car will not be exposed to the ice and snow of cold winters."
Willis G. Jernigan, Box 573, Bowie, Texas, June 8: "Our Combined Vacation Bible School and Singing School closed June 4 with an enrollment of 241. At the close of the school six were baptized into Christ. Brother Eugene Gilmore of Tulsa, Oklahoma conducted the singing school and taught in the high school department of the Bible school. Brother Gilmore did his work well. Sister Bellah Philpot, a former teacher in Abilene Christian College, also assisted in our teaching program. Our local faculty numbered 23. This was the first Vacation Bible School held in Bowie in several years."
M. C. Cuthbertson, P. O. Box 6391, Tucson, Arizona, June 15: "Our work with N. Country Club Rd. church has had a nice beginning. Five have come with us, who were already members of the body elsewhere, and one confessed neglect of duty. A former elder and family are returning to live here, and we are happy to have them back. Splendid audiences the two Lord's Days we have been here. We are happy to be back in the work with this fine group."
R. D. Simmons, 915 W. Howard St., Whittier, California, June 14: "After sixteen months work with the Central church in Los Angeles, I have moved to Whittier, California and am working with the church in Montebello, California. The address of the church building is 536 N. Poplar St., Montebello. My home address is as above. Correspondents please note the change. Our work starts off with good interest. This congregation is small in number, but great in zeal. They have a very nice, new building about two years old. We anticipate a good work here. Brother Max Crumley follows me at Central."
M. A. Mansur, 1405 Richardson, Columbia, Missouri, June 16: "The work with the Paris Road Church of Christ continues with much interest in a very fine way. Much progress is being made for the Lord. At the close of our Spring school term we lost a large number of student members by graduation and otherwise; however, we are very happy and fortunate in being able to welcome a large number of incoming student members who are here to attend the Summer school of the University of Missouri. The church is growing, but we solicit your prayers to the end that the church may continue to grow according to His will. When in this area we cordially invite you to stop and worship with us."
Pioneer Preacher Dies
Cloyd Royal, George West, Texas Thursday, May 12, 1955 at Raymondville, Texas, about the time the day's sun was setting, Brother Robert H. Montgomery's life's sun was setting also. Born October 22, 1882 at Conway, Arkansas, He lived 72 years, 6 months, and 20 days. He was buried by the side of his wife, Charlcey Henry Montgomery, at San Angelo, Texas.
Surviving him are one son and two daughters; one brother and two sisters; and two granddaughters.
He was a gospel preacher for 53 years, beginning in Arkansas at the age of 19. Later coming to Texas, his first work was with the church at Argenta (near Mathis, Texas). Other places where he labored were: Pledger, San Angelo, Thurber, Kenedy (twice), Sabinal, Rising Star, Hamlin, Carizo Springs, Mexia, Raymondville (twice), Lovington, New Mexico; Coolidge, Edinburg, Bayside, and many other places in gospel meetings.
After finishing in the public school Brother Montgomery attended the old County Line Bible College in Arkansas.
Giving much of himself, asking little, and being grateful for all kindness, Brother Montgomery will long be remembered. Without fear he proclaimed the truth in the manner he liked best — "as a teacher."
Many adept expressions as, "We should fear living rather than dying," will stay with us who knew and loved him — also such characteristic statements as: "If I mistake not," and "You have the lesson."
Brother W. W. Brewer Dies
M. A. Mansur, Columbia, Missouri Another man of God and a great soldier of the Cross has passed on to await his reward in Heaven. Brother W. W. Brewer departed this life May 31, 1955 at his home in Hereford, Texas. He obeyed the Gospel in 1898, and soon afterwards began preaching.
Brother Brewer married Cordelia E. Mansur in 1908, and to this union two children were born. Their son, Mansur Minnis Brewer, met an untimely death at the age of 16 years. The great faith of Brother Brewer was demonstrated on this sad occasion; when I saw him stand over the coffin of his beloved son, and with raised arm, he said, "Not for my right arm would I take away death, for it is the door through which those who die in the Lord enter into Heaven."