Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 6, 1952
NUMBER 27, PAGE 13b-14a


Gordon J. Pennock, 216 Hill St., Bismarck, North Dakota, Oct. 22: "The church in Bismarck recently held a ten-day meeting in which Brother M. C. Cuthbertson of Los Angeles, California, did the preaching. There were no baptisms but in some ways it was the best meeting that we have had as yet. Thirty-three adult non-members attended one or more services. We began the meeting without any prospects for baptism but by the time of its close at least four were seriously interested in studying the word of God. We pray that the harvest will be reaped in due time. Brother Cuthbertson did his work well and it was a privilege to have him and his good wife in our home throughout the meeting. I am presently in a meeting with the church at Kalispell, Montana, which will run through Oct. 30."


M. A. Mansur, Paris Road Church of Christ, Columbia, Missouri, Oct. 20: "Yesterday was another wonderful day for the Lord, with another precious soul being baptized into Christ, and with three coming to be identified with the church. Last night marked the close of our gospel meeting, in which Brother A. K. Gardner, evangelist of Nashville, did the preaching. Brother Gardner did a fine work in this meeting, presenting the truth effectively and forcefully, yet with great love and humility. During the course of the meeting three came for baptism, and three placed membership. Another fine young lady was baptized just before our meeting began; which makes a total of seven responses in the last three weeks. Brethren, we seek an interest in the prayers of the faithful, to the end that the work of the Lord may grow and advance Columbia to the glory of God and the church. Whenever it is possible, we invite you to come and worship with us. May I say to Brother W. W. Otey and Brother Robert G. Welch, that I endorse 100 percent, and want to add a hearty Amen! to what they had to say regarding the scriptural necessity of a man having to be married before he can possibly qualify as an elder."


C. C. McLarey, Spade, Texas, Oct. 18: "Each day the people of this area hear two gospel broadcasts over Littlefield radio station KVOW — one fifteen minute program by various preachers of this area and the other by the Littlefield Drive Church of Christ. They are combined on Sunday morning, thus having a thirty minute program Brother Roy Tidwell of Littlefield is in charge of their regular broadcast and has been bringing some wonderful lessons. They have brought opposition from some denominational preachers. As a result of these broadcasts, a pub lie debate has materialized. Last Lord's day, Oct. 12, Bro. Tidwell was delivering his message at the station and Mr. Archie W. Gray, Littlefield Christian Church preacher, was present. I have been acquainted with Mr. Gray for a few months. He and I engaged in a discussion over Brother Tidwell's lesson, "Instrumental Music In Worship." After presentation of our views, I asked him the question, "Will you meet in a public' discussion of the subject?" He replied that he would meet Brother Tidwell if we could agree upon a proposition. That afternoon Mr. Gray, Bro. Tidwell, and I met and the following propositions were signed: Resolved: "That vocal music is the only music acceptable to God as a act of New Testament worship." affirmative: Brother Roy Tidwell. Negative: Archie W. Gray. Resolved: "That mechanical instrument of music is acceptable to God in New Testament worship." Affirmative: Archie W. Gray. Negative: Roy Tidwell. The debate will take place November 10th and 11th at 8:00 p.m. at the high school auditorium in Littlefield, Texas. Brother W. L Wharton, Jr., of Houston will moderate for Brother Tidwell and will preach in Littlefield the two nights following the debate. Time has been purchased from station KVOW for the debate as well as the two nights of preaching by Brother Wharton. Both of these gentlemen are of strong conviction and are interested in defending their beliefs. Knowing both of these men, I am convinced that we will witness a good debate with no personality entering into the discussion."


Ernest A. Finley, 250 N. Millwood Ave., Wichita, Kansas, 23: "West Douglas congregation conducted its fall meeting Oct. 5-15. Brother Yater Tant of Abilene, Texas, did the preaching. Five responded. The church was greatly stimulated by the meeting. The West Douglas congregation has a program of personal evangelism which is carried on by the members of the congregation under the oversight of the elders. If you know of someone who has moved into Wichita, send us the name and address. My last meeting of the year will be at Bethel, Kansas, Nov. 3-15, my second meeting with them."


James W. Reynold, 185 Vernon Place, Pablo, Colorado, Oct. 21: "We just closed a meeting the 15th of October with Reuel Lemmons of Cleburne, Texas, doing the preaching and C. R. Beruff of Indianapolis, Indiana, directing the singing. We had five baptisms and one restoration. There were more members in attendance than in any previous meeting. The Sunday following the close of the meeting one man was baptized"


RADIO PROGRAM V. E. Howard, Greenville, Texas Brethren conducting radio broadcasts are asked to please announce The Gospel Hour broadcast now being heard each Sunday night over North America's most powerful radio station, XEG, 1050 kc., 9:30 to 10:00. This broadcast may be heard in every state in the nation and throughout North America.

If your radio station objects to identifying other radio stations on your broadcasts, you may announce The Gospel Hour without objection by observing the following suggested diplomatic, courtesy type of announcement; that is: 'Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to announce The Gospel Hour conducted by V. E. Howard, under the direction of the elders of the Walnut Street Church of Christ in Greenville, Texas, may now be heard over the powerful 150,000 watt Voice of North America, in Monterrey, Mexico, each Sunday night, 9:30 to 10:00. This broadcast may be heard in every state in the nation and throughout North America ... etc."

We believe this most powerful radio station affords us an opportunity to preach the gospel to possibly millions throughout North America. Your help in establishing an audience will be appreciated.