Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 4, 1952


T. J. Ruble, 303 East 3rd, Belton, Texas, Aug. 30: "The gospel meeting at New Salem, Texas, closed Aug. 8. Eight were baptized. When in Belton worship with us. Write us if we should contact a friend or relative."

0- Rufus R. Clifford, Box 282, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, Aug. 29: "The meeting at West Point, Tenn., resulted in four baptisms. Interest grew from the beginning. Red Mitchell and Doug Thompson led the singing."

0- Frank L. Smith, Shawnee, Oklahoma, Aug. 27: "Last two meetings, Tribbey, Okla., and Garrett, Texas, resulted in six baptisms and two restorations. Have baptized two here and several by membership recently. Harvey Scott to be in meeting Sept. 7-14. We are a little ahead of last summers attendance. Have completed air conditioning our entire building."

0- Eaten Macon, Box 101, Richard City, Tennessee, Aug. 25: "Eight persons were baptized and seven restored in a well attended meeting at Lone Cedar, near Florence, Ala., Aug. 10-17. Dan Ottinger has done a fine job with this congregation. It is one of the most active churches in north Alabama. I know of two young gospel preachers who will be available in the near future."

0- F. B. Shepherd, Box 836, Sweetwater, Texas, Aug. 29:

"Closed 37 days straight in the meetings at Springfield, Bangor, Brunswick. Just now at Houlton for another eight days. Aug. 31, I begin the "Round Robin" with Malden, Brookline, Natech, Worcester, Hartford, participating. The preachers up here, though all young men, are outstanding in their soundness and integrity in my estimation. The spirit of love and unselfish cooperation is marked and inspirational."

0- Fred L. Yeats, Route 1, Wilson, Texas, Aug. 26: "One of the best meetings of the church here at New Home came to a close last night. Brother J. V. Davis did the preaching, in a very forceful manner. Four were baptized and one confessed sins. Two weeks ago the meeting at Causey, N. M., came to a close. The results — six baptisms and two restorations. In many ways it was my best meeting. I am to return in 1953, the Lord willing. I have time for another meeting or two next year. If you need me write me at the above address."

0- H .C. Winnett, P. O. Box 94, Coolidge, Texas, Aug. 26: "Sunday, Aug. 24 brought to a close an eight days meeting with the church here in Coolidge. Good interest throughout but no additions. The writer did the preaching. The singing was directed by a good leader, brother James Sorrells, of Waco. While on our vacation I had the pleasure of preaching for the Haywood Rd. church, Asheville, N. C., and for the church where I grew up, Hillsboro, Coffee County, Tennessee."

0- C. D. Crouch, 644 Butterfield St., Trumann, Arkansas, Aug. 25: "One week ago yesterday we baptized one here at Trumann, and two were restored. Attendance has been pretty good for the past several weeks. I am at this time engaged in a series of meetings at a mission point — Elm Grove — five miles out from Trumann. Interest and attendance fair. My work with the Truman church will terminate next Lord's day. After that I shall be with the church at Dyess, Arkansas, as local evangelist."

0- Dean Bullock, 312 N. Waldrip St., Grand Saline, Texas, Aug. 27: "The Jamestown meeting in which I did the preaching was very enjoyable in every way. Good interest and attendance characterized the effort throughout. Three were baptized; one was restored. I shall begin a similar effort with the Zion Hill congregation, near Tyler, Texas, Sept. 15. The church here in Grand Saline is making progress. Since the first of July, our Sunday Bible study attendance has ranged from 170 to 225. The number present for classes last Lord's day was 189. I am scheduling meetings for 1953; I have two or three open dates."

M. Lloyd Smith, 608 Peardale Lane, Longview, Washington, Aug. 30: "The double-header meetings which were conducted in Kelso, Wash., came to a close last Thursday with two baptisms and five confessing wrongs. Brother N. E. Hoffman of Victoria, Canada, did the preaching the first twelve days and had one baptism and three to confess wrongs. Brother E. R. Watson of Abilene, Texas did the preaching the last eleven days and had one baptism and two to confess wrongs. Both Longview and Kelso churches were strengthened. The Twelfth and Chestnut church in Abilene, Texas, sent brother Watson to us and the Fifth and Highland Street church helped out with his expenses. We are thankful for the missionary spirit of these two Abilene, Texas, congregations."

0- J. G. Savage, Lewisville, Texas, Aug. 28: "Frank Pack closed a very successful meeting with the Lewisville church last night. Considering the hot weather throughout, our attendance at all services exceeded our fondest expectations; brethren from other places were in attendance at every service. From the standpoint of numbers who rendered obedience to the Lord's commands, it was not phenomenal, but the church was strengthened, edified and builded up in "the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Among the three who were buried with their Lord in baptism was a husband and wife, parents of two small children, who had been Presbyterians. Brother Pack is very humble, exemplifies a spirit of love in his preaching and his devotion to Truth is an inspiration to all who hear him. He is a very capable and forceful speaker and dramatically exhorts saint and sinner as he rightly divides the word of truth. Some preachers have natural ability, others have acquired ability; he has both. His coming our way truly enriched our lives and, the Lord willing, he is to come back again in 1957, the earliest open date available to us. Chas. Roundtree of Dallas, a young man of 17 years of age and former member of the local congregation, led the singing in a very commendable way."