Toni Harris South Bend, Indiana, Aug. 18: "Eleven added to the congregation meeting at Caroline and Calvert streets during July. Eight of these were baptisms. Record attendance of 334 recently. Mid-week attendance usually around 150. Will conduct a special Bible study at LaPorte, Indiana, September 8-17."
Frank Trayler, Chaplain, USAF, Box 207, Boerne, Texas, Aug. 24: "One Airman has been restored at Lackland since last report and three young people were baptized during our meeting. A two-weeks Vacation Bible School created unusually good interest."
WARREN-GARNER DEBATE Thomas B. Warren, gospel preacher of Galena Park, Texas, will meet Albert Garner, Missionary Baptist of Henderson, Texas, in a four-nights debate on the plan of salvation, September 16-19, in Galena Park. Everyone is cordially invited.
Jack H. Exum, 333 Pineview Drive, Waycross, Georgia, Aug. 1: "Our Vacation Bible School ended with a capacity crowd in attendance. Having only enough class room for 100, we signed 109 and averaged 100 per day. Our bus brought in an average of 55 per day. There have been four restored here recently. I will be in Albany August 3-11 for a Vacation Bible School and an abbreviated meeting. August 18-24 will be occupied at Camp Mena, Fla., operated by members of the church. August 31 will be in Miami, and speak for the Central church there. Our meeting with brother R. C. Walker will begin in September and I have one more meeting with the church in Morvin, Georgia, in October. We are having many visitors stop in this city, where five major state and country highways cross. Plan to worship with us when passing this way."
J. T. Marlin, Mayfield, Kentucky, Aug. 19: "One was baptized here Sunday. Five came one week ago by restoration and membership. Pat Hardeman, Tampa, Florida, will preach in our meeting September 5 to 14."
W. W. Allen, Kearney, Nebraska, Aug. 18: "Two were baptized in my mission meeting in Broken Bow, Nebraska, which closed August 15. This brings their membership to fifteen. They are now meeting in the City Hall in Broken Bow, but need a permanent building of their own. There is a large Methodist building that can be bought for about $10,000. But the greatest need is for a preacher with support or who is wiling to work for most of his support, to go into Broken Bow. Job opportunities are good, both in the schools and businesses of the city and county. Broken Bow is the county seat of Custer county with a population of roughly 5,000 people. There is a wonderful opportunity here if someone is willing to work. I start another mission meeting in Fremont, Nebraska, on August 22."
Wm. E. Wallace, 105 Main Ave., N E., Hickory, North Carolina, Aug. 19: "Last Sunday ended my first year of work here at Hickory. There have been seven baptisms, four restorations. Several Christian families have moved in and out of this area during this period. The present membership is 45. The church has a bright future if we can overcome financial difficulties. We have a fine building but owe $8,000 on it. Average contribution is $65 per week. We believe that the "ice is breaking" and the church will experience a growth as the cause of Christ flourishes. We look forward to another year of work with this group. The church here is harmonious, sincere, scriptural, end hopeful in its labors. I would like to hold meetings for, or meet with elders of congregations who are interested in helping the work in North Carolina. I will make a trip during February and March of this coming year to speak on behalf of the North Carolina work in general. Those interested in this matter please write me."
Coahoma Church of Christ, Coahoma, Texas To Whom It May Concern:
Brother James M. McNiel has served the congregation at Coahoma faithfully as a Gospel minister. We have found him to be sound in the faith and a congenial yoke-fellow. His life has been found to be above reproach. We, therefore, commend him to any congregation that might require his services or with whom he might work.
Elders of Coahoma Church of Christ 0. H. Vick Alton Denton Aubrey Cranfill Deacons of Coahoma Church of Christ Estes Finley Jack Reynolds Joe Gilmore L. Aberegg
NEW CHURCH IN HIBBING, MINNESOTA For a number of years many of us have hoped to get a church started in the great iron mining section near Duluth-Superior. For a few months some Christians have been worshipping in a home in Hibbing, Minn., and recently two young men from the Minneapolis church have gone to Hibbing to help in this work. They are now meeting regularly, from 10 to 12 a.m. and from 8 to 9 p.m. each Sunday in the Odd Fellows Hall, First Ave., and 23rd St. They have about eleven members from about four or five families, and are blessed with three men who are capable preachers or teachers.
Hibbing is a good city, surrounded by other prosperous towns and cities. It is about 75 miles from Duluth, and this church is the northern-most outpost for pure gospel in Central U. S. Readers who know of people who should be contacted by these brethren should write to Geo. Pappas,2522 Fifth Ave. W., Hibbing, Minn. People who plan a Vacation into the "north woods" next year should remember Hibbing as a convenient place to worship.
— Leslie Diestelkamp, Minneapolis, Minn.
THE CHURCH IN TUCUMCARI, NEW MEXICO We are happy to report the progress of the church of the Lord in Tucumcari. This congregation of about 160 members has been progressing rapidly during this year. D. R. Reagan and Audie Lambert efficiently serve this congregation as elders.
A new church building is being constructed and will be completed and ready for use the first of September. This is a great advancement for the cause of Christ here. The total cost of this building will be approximately $50,000. The auditorium will seat four hundred people. In addition to the auditorium, there are several classrooms, an office and a nursery. This building is located on 1707 South Third. The building is an asset to the church and the community. The building will be opened by a gospel meeting with Osby Weaver of Greenville, Texas, preaching. The entire congregation will move to the new building. Please note that our address will no longer be Jackson and High Streets, but 1707 South Third.
We also are conducting a daily radio program over the local radio station. We believe that this is an effective way of preaching the gospel.
During this year contributions have averaged $367 per week. Seventy-five have responded to the invitation during 1952. Guest speakers during the year, include Early Arceneaux, Lloyd Moyer, Troy Bruster, and Wesley Reagan. Homer Hargrove is our efficient song director. He also preaches when I am away.
It has been my privilege to labor with this congregation for fifteen months. I am looking forward to even more profitable work with this good church in the future. When traveling on Highway 66, be sure to stop and worship with us.
— Forrest Darrell Moyer