Homer Hailey Goes To Florida Christian College
Florida Christian College is striving to give its students the very best training possible in all phases of its work. We endeavor to provide that quality of academic training which enables them to transfer their work to other colleges and universities on the basis of merit. Along with this academic training we seek to impart to them a deep reverence for and knowledge of the Bible. To this end we are interested in employing only men who are consecrated in life, sound in the faith, and with recognized ability to teach God's word.
For the past two years Pat Hardeman, Bill J. Humble, Clinton D. Hamilton, A. W. Discus, Harry Pickup, and James R. Cope have taught Bible and Religious Education, Last Year Eugene Clevenger became a member of the staff as instructor in Greek, Hebrew, and Bible. When the next session opens in September, Homer Hailey will join the faculty as vice-president of the college and head of the Bible department.
The announcement of brother Hailey's joining our forces will bring joy to the hearts of thousands and lend increasing confidence to the splendid Bible teaching characterizing Florida Christian College. Homer Hailey brings with him a veritable storehouse of Biblical knowledge and classroom, pulpit, and personal evangelism experience. Now only forty-seven, he is in the prime of life with his best years yet ahead. His coming to Florida Christian College will give to the school that richness which experience and maturity alone can produce in its fullness. Coupled with his deep spiritual convictions and burning zeal for the souls of men is a sympathetic kindness which endears him to all who know him.
Brother Hailey's evangelism has taken him all over the nation and he has served as local evangelist with numerous churches. Many brethren will recall the splendid work he did in Honolulu during World War II. A veteran of the classroom, he has served, a total of eleven years on the faculty of Abilene Christian College, most of which time was spent in teaching Bible and working with young preachers. In addition to their own three children, he and Sister Hailey have adopted two others and provide a home for a Japanese girl during the school year.
Brother Hailey's thorough understanding of the nature of the church of the Lord is probably best revealed in his splendid book, Attitudes and Consequences In the Restoration Movement, and his knowledge of its mission and the part personal evangelism plays in the accomplishment of that mission is clearly set forth in his book, Let's Go Fishing For Men, just off the press. Thousands have read his solid, constructive, and inspirational articles in various papers published by brethren.
During the first semester of the next session of Florida Christian College brother Hailey will teach courses in "Internal Evidences of Christianity,' "New Testament Evangelism,' "The Scheme of Redemption,' and "Old Testament Prophecy.' These classes along with other Bible and Religious Education courses afforded at Florida Christian College promise unusually rich material for all students enrolling in September. Florida Christian College,: counts itself fortunate in affording its students the talents and experience of Homer Hailey—consecrated Christian teacher, evangelist, counselor, brother, and another genuine "friend to youth.'
John H. Gerrard, 4401 W. Broadway, Louisville 11, Ky-, June 21: "Another young man was baptized last Sunday evening. The new building of the West End church located at 4401 W. Broadway. Opening day will be July 1."