Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 21, 1951

What We Want To Do In Paris

Owen Aiken, Melvin Anderson, Maurice Hall

11 Rue Des Martyrs, Paris, Seine, France

What We Want To Do In Paris, France:

1. We want to hold twenty meetings of five nights duration each, between June 1, 1951, and June 1, 1952.

a. These meetings to be preached in French.

b. One meeting in each section of Paris.

c. Preaching on first principles, introducing the church to the Catholic mind (France being more than 90% Catholic.)

d. Printing and distributing tracts during these meetings and sending invitations by mail into the homes in the area where we are working.

e. Renting comfortable and accessible rooms for these services.

f. Advertising by means of billboard signs, the cheapest of all Paris advertising, of sufficient number to reach shoppers, workers, etc.

2. We want to hold one English meeting in our central meeting place; we have asked brother Weldon Bennett of Frankfurt, to hold this meeting. This effort is planned in view of the many American civilians and Army personnel coming to Paris as a result of the placing of General Eisenhower's headquarters in this area. Paris expects also at least 350,000 English-speaking tourists this summer. We hope to reach many of these.

3. We believe that each of these meetings can be held for $100.00 each, or a total of about $2,000. The greater part of these funds will go for auditoriums in which to preach.

A Personal Word

We believe that you want the gospel preached in France and like Paul, we want to begin in this great center (where we already have 44 members and many contacts). This plan of evangelization has been decided upon after one and a half years study of local conditions. Your help in realizing this plan is needed. We have already spent much money in coming to France; now that we are here we want to stay here and preach the gospel. We beg our brethren, don't force us to come home, spend much money in travel, lose much precious time in gathering up the funds necessary to preach to the 7,000,000 Parisians.

If you are interested in having a part in saving lost French souls, and would like to support the preaching of the gospel in the above mentioned plan, individuals or churches are encouraged to send their contributions at once to "L'Eglise du Christ, 11 Rue des Martyrs, Paris, France.' Make checks payable to "L'Eglise du Christ.' This is the French translation of "Church of Christ." All contributions will be acknowledged and a full report of disbursements made to all contributors.


Arvil Smith, 302 W. California, Ruston, La., June 14: "With wonderful planning the church here has just closed a very successful meeting and Vacation Bible School, with brother H. V. Trimble of Haynesville, La., doing the preaching and leading in the school. Eight were baptized with one restoration, and one to place membership. This school clearly showed us how bad we must have more room. The church here is determined to build a building with room for growth. Prospects for the church in the future are very bright.'