Troy M. Cummings, 9028 Santa Clara Dr., Dallas, Texas, June 5: "Since last report nine have been baptized and six restored at Shamrock Shores here in Dallas, with increasing attendance, contributions, and membership. Since entering our new building last September there has been a forty percent net growth in numbers. We look forward to continued advancement in strength as I enter my third year of work with these brethren. Brother James R. Cope of Tampa, Florida, is to preach here in a meeting July 29-August 5. I will be at Burns Flat, Oklahoma August 10-19 in a return meeting with those brethren. I have time to preach in another meeting this year, and would be glad to book meetings for next year.'
Rufus R. Clifford, Old Hickory, Tenn., June 5: "The last half of May I preached in a meeting for the Grace Avenue Church, Nashville, Tenn. Four were baptized, three restored and one placed membership. James Goad was the song director, and he did an excellent job. Burrell Prince, preacher at Grace Avenue, spoke here both Sundays. One was baptized last Wednesday night and one was baptized Sunday and one restored. I begin in Laurel, Del., Sunday.'
James R. Lundy, Jr., Box 87, Charlestown, Ind., June 5: "One was baptized here Sunday afternoon. New records were set in all phases of our work. A new Bible study record was set with 64 present, which was two above the previous high. Sunday night attendance was well above average with 45 present. Our contribution was $60.27, with the previous high being $57.15. When we came here the 1st of April, the average attendance was about 35 in Bible Study, the contribution about $35. Usually the evening service had about 10 in attendance. Jesse M. Kelley, evangelist for the Grandview Heights Church in Nashville, is to hold our meeting this summer from July 22-August 2. We are anticipating a wonderful meeting. Remember us in your prayers. The Guardian is wonderful! Keep up the great work you are doing."
Garnie Atkisson, Lovington, New Mexico, June 5: "I did the preaching in a meeting at Gallup, N. M., closing last night. Four were baptized. Brother Owen Morrow of Carlsbad, N. M., directed the singing in a very fine way.'
Wayne Mickey, Box 852, Rochester, Minnesota, June 6 "One man was baptized today. This man made the good confession while in the hospital and obeyed the Lord as soon as it was physically possible. The church in Rochester now meets in the new location at 632 2nd St. S. W., just four blocks west of the Mayo Clinic. The average attendance for May was 29.5. The average contribution was $73.02. I am to preach in a series of services with the brethren in Wadena, Minnesota, June 10 through 20.'
C. F. Jacobs, 1215 Ardee Ave., Nashville, Tenn., June 3: "Four were baptized here at Trinity Lane last Lord's day."
Denton M. Neal, 1904 R Street, S. E., Washington, D. C.. May 28: "After four and a half years of very pleasant, and gratifying work with the church in southeast Washington, D. C., we will move to Jackson, Tenn., about June 20, where after several meetings, I will begin work with the Central congregation September 1. The challenge of the work and the fine spirit of fellowship and cooperation between congregations and preachers in Metropolitan Washington and Northeast have instilled an abiding appreciation and concern for the area in our hearts. This is a good congregation and I predict ever greater work in it. I hope to leave complete provisions for getting its much needed building under construction this fall. My permanent address after June 20 will be 125 Hatton St., Jackson, Mississippi.'
Cleon Lyles, Little Rock, Ark, June 4: "The Main & Oak church in Jonesboro, Ark., closed a meeting the 29th of May in which I preached. One was baptized and several restored. My brother, Robert, has done six years of good work with this church. During that time the membership and contributions have more than tripled, and a beautiful building erected. Seven were baptized at Fourth & State yesterday.'
H. Lester Parker, Blythe, California, May 29: "We are happy to report the baptism of six persons last Lord's day. Quite a number of non-members are attending the services fairly regularly, and we are confident that some of these will soon obey the gospel. Our new classroom addition is almost complete and is badly needed. Most of the families at Blythe take the Gospel Guardian and I am confident that it will help us all to be faithful to the Lord.'
C. R. Mansfield, Box 905, Seminole, Texas, May 30: "One was restored here last Sunday and another was baptized Sunday night. The church continues to grow in most every way. When I began working with these brethren over two years ago only three or four brethren could direct the various parts of public worship. Through constant teaching of God's word and training about twenty-five can do such now. Several have become quite good at defending the truth in short sermons. It takes informed men to become elders in God's house. We are working toward that end. Wm. Parsons of Magnolia, Ark., is to do the preaching in our next meeting in August. When passing our way stop in to see us."
Bryan Vinson, 5212 University, Dallas, Texas: "My work in recent months has embraced meetings with brethren in the following places: Middlesboro, Ky., Tucson, Ariz., Jacksonville, Texas, and Timpson, Texas. At this time I am at Oakwood, Texas, with one baptism thus far. My next meeting will be in Springfield, Oregon."
Leslie Diestelkamp, Milwaukee, Wis., June 17: "I shall close over four years work in Milwaukee. Peace prevails here, and the church looks forward to being self-supporting soon. Polytechnic church in Fort Worth help now. Monroe E. Hawley will move here and we expect great things of this church with his help. I shall start work with the church in Minneapolis, Minn., 14th St. & 1st Ave., S., on June 24. My address there will be 3421 Aldrich Ave., S., Minneapolis 8, Minn."
Robert H. Bell, 4765, Jessie St., La Mesa, California: "Brother John W. Wilson closed a ten-day meeting with the church in El Cajon Tuesday night, May 29. The preaching was the very best. Four ladies were baptized. I will assist with the teaching in a Vacation Bible school with brother H. M. Harriman and the La Mesa church beginning June 18 to continue through the 29. Then beginning July 15 I will do the preaching in a gospel meeting with brother E. Ray Rayburn and the Antioch (California) church. The Lord willing, I return to Dyersburg, Tennessee, for another meeting the first half of July in 1952. I have the last half of July, and the first half of August of 1952 open for meetings that I would like to fill, either in Tennessee, Kentucky, or Arkansas. You may address me as above.'
M. C. Cuthbertson, 1220 Elden Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., June 1: "Sunday, May 27, was a good day with us at Central, 12th & Hoover. The work in Honolulu, with Howard White seems to be doing well, and the work with John Wilson here on the West Coast continues good. He is engaged in meeting work all the time. I have recently spoken Sunday afternoons and evenings during the week at Montebello, Whittier (Sunday afternoon), and at East Long Beach. Brother Herman continues active in all of teaching and preaching work. The continued good work of the Guardian is much appreciated.'
Derrel Starling, 226 E. 31st St., Anderson, Ind., May 29: "Roy E. Cogdill is to be in a meeting with the congregation that meets at 226 E. 31st in Anderson, July 15-25."
Vaughn D. Shofner, 1506 24th Place, Lubbock, Texas, June 4: "After two years and five months with the church at Southside in Lubbock, we have asked for and received release in order to begin with the church in Highland Park, Fort Worth, July 1. We are glad that it was our privilege to be with this good church during a period of steady growth. There have been two services on Sunday mornings for nine months. Bible school attendance grew from an average of 159 the first month we labored together, to an average of 320 the last month, with an all time high record of 344 being set during this time. There is a great future for this church. There were 231 added to this congregation while we preached for it. Our address after July 1 will be, 1320 East Allen Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas.'
M. Lloyd Smith, 608 Peardale Lane, Longview, Wash., June 2: "I was called to preach a funeral at the 4th & K Streets church in Grants Pass, Oregon, and was asked to remain over through Wednesday and preach. We have reason to believe much good was done these four days. Having spent three years in Grants Pass as local man I know of the misfortunes of these faithful brethren. No fellowship exists between these brethren and the 6th & Evelyn Streets brethren, and as a matter of information to members who may visit or move to Grants Pass, it seems wise to me that they should know that there is a clause in the deed to the 6th & Evelyn Streets church which prohibits a preacher who endorses our Bible colleges from preaching in their building. At the present, brother W. M. Robins is the local man at 4th & K Streets church and is doing a good work. The cause is gradually being built up Brother Chas. Degenhart just closed meeting there and they plan to have brother F. B. Shepherd back in 1952.'
J. C. Murphy, 1303 Mobberly Ave., Longview, Texas, May 31: "Brother James W. Adams (Church of Christ) meet Mr. A. J. Wall (Missionary Baptist) here in Longview, Texas, under a large tent for a debate June 19-22. Brother Charles Holt of Mt. Pleasant, Texas, will moderate for brother Adams. Four propositions have been signed and will be discussed in order listed: (1) Depravity and the Operation of Holy Spirit, (2) The Establishment of the Church, (3) Design of Baptism, (4) Apostasy.'